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1. Please find it in the dictionary if you don’t know how to pr onounce it.

A. look it up

B. look for it

C. read the dictionary

D. learn the dictionary

2. Could you tell me how I can get to the nearest market, sir?

A. to reach

B. to arrive at

C. how to get to

D. to go

3.—How are you, Mary?

—Fine, thank you. And you?

A. You’re fine.

B. Are you?

C. What about you?

D. Do you?

4. The old woman said she didn’t w ant to stop smoking becaus

e she had smoked for 30 years.

A. keep from

B. give up

C. go on

D. like

5. Jim’s mother doesn’t feel happy because she is angry with Ji m now.

A. fight

B. having something wrong

C. laugh at

D. mad at

6. Before he came, I’d better finish_________ the whole book.

A. to read

B. to have read

C. reading

D. read

7.___________ trees have been planted these years.

A. Million

B. Millions

C. Million of

D. Millions of

8. ___________ going to the movies tonight?

A. How about

B. Would you like

C. Would you please

D. I don’t mind to

9. In the exam, the__________ you are, the____________ mistak es you will make.

A. careful; little

B. more careful; less

C. more careful; few

D. more careful; fewer

10. He was____________ all of his best friends.

A. laughed by

B. laughed at

C. laughed at by

D. laughing by

11. If she goes to the library tomorrow,___________.

A. So he will

B. So will he

C. So he does

D. So does he

12. Mary is____________ clever__________ she can understand t hat.

A. such a; that

B. as; so

C. so; that

D. so; as

13. She offered me five dollars______________ that book.

A. about

B. of

C. for

D. on

14.___________ nice shoes she is wearing!

A. What

B. What a

C. How

D. How a

15. —____________.

—It looks nice. Can I try it on?

A. What can I do for you?

B. What would you like?

C. What about this jacket?

D. Let’s buy this jacket.

16. Shall we meet___________ the gate of my uncle’s home tom


A. at

B. on

C. together

D. of

17. It_____________ you about three hours to fly from here to

Hong Kong.

A. needs

B. takes

C. spends

D. uses

18. They won’t fight each other any longer,___________?

A. will they

B. won’t they

C. don’t they

D. do they

19. He is very friendly and easy____________.

A. to get along

B. getting along

C. to get along with

D. getting along with

20. Jenny said she___________ there for about ten years in Syd

ney by last month.

A. has gone

B. has been

C. had been

D. had gone

二、完形填空。(每空1分,共10 分)

Mrs. Green wanted to have a party. So she began to 21 , “Party: 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.”

“That isn’ t very nice,” Mr. Green22“ “You are t elling our friends that they23leave at 9:30 p.m.” So Mrs. Green just24, “Party: 6:30 p.m.”

A lot of people came to the party, and they all had25

time, so they did not go home at 9:30 p.m. In fact,they were still there at midnight when the doorbell rang and a polic eman stood on the doorstep. He said, “Excuse me, sir. You mus t stop26so much noise. Someone telephoned us to complai n (投诉) about it.”
