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人类the human race, humanity, man, humankind,human beings, mankind,

在当代in contemporary society, in present-day society, in this day and age,at present, currently, nowadays, recently, these years

好处-坏处benefits, blessings, boons—banes, pros—cons, advantages—disadvantages, merit—demerit 对手competitor=rival, opponent(especially in sports and politics)

观点opinion=perspective, standpoint(means looking at an event or situation in a particular way) view

名声,名誉fame=prestige(describe those who are admired), reputation,eminence

老人the old, the elderly, the retired, senior citizen, old people

城市居民people living in cities, city residents, urban dwellers,local inhabitants

孩子children, infant, kid 年轻人the young ,young people, youngster, youths, adolescents

工作,职业job, career, employment, profession, occupation

优点,好处advantage, merit, strength, pro, positive aspect, favorable aspect, boon, superiority, virtue

缺点,坏处disadvantage, demerit, weakness, drawback, con,negative aspect, unfavorable aspect, bane 责任,任务duty, responsibility, obligation, liability

幸福happiness, cheerfulness, well-being

娱乐entertainment, enjoyment, recreation, pastime

因素、原因reason, factor, cause 顶部、高峰top=peak, summit

发展development, advance, progress

能力ability, capability, aptitude, capacity, power, skill

教育education, schooling, family parenting, upbringing

老师,导师teacher, instructor, educator, lecturer

成本、花费cost, expense, expenditure

影响influence, effect, impact, repercussion[ˌri:pəˈkʌʃən], implication

坏处,危险peril, hazard, danger

污染pollution, contamination 混乱disorder=disarray [ˌdɪsəˈreɪ], chaos[ˈkeiɔs]

结果result=consequence(the results or effects of something)

尊敬respect=esteem(if you esteem someone, you respect and admire him/her. FORMAL)


解决(及物动词)tackle, address, resolve, combat[ˈkɔmbət]

处理solve, combat, tackle, resolve, address, deal with, cope with

破坏,损坏(及物动词)endanger, destroy, eradicate, knock down, tear down,

impair, undermine, jeopardize[ˈdʒepədaɪz], devastate(最后一个与其最强)

影响(名词)impact, repercussions, ramifications, implications

从事(及物动词)carry out, conduct, perform, go about

增进enhance 代替improve

保护preserve 代替protect

污染contamination 代替pollution 需要(及物动词)require, necessitate, call for

责备,谴责blame=condemn(if you condemn something, you say it is very bad and unacceptable)

认为think, believe, hold, deem, maintain, argue, assert, declare, advocate, claim, be convinced that, insist,contend

评估,评价assess, evaluate, measure, appraise, estimate

买buy, purchase

培养cultivate, foster, nurture, promote, enhance, boost, shape, form, optimize, motivate, develop, strength 鼓励,刺激encourage, embolden, hearten, inspire, stimulate, spur

坚持stick, adhere, cling

建立establish, set up, build=erect(you can erect something as buildings, FORMAL)

忽视,忽略neglect, ignore, overlook
