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Section A I.Fill in the blanks with the information given in the text:

1.commercial; network

2.catalogs; engines

3.currencies; checks

4.relationship-based; purses


6.cash; token



II.Translate the following terms or phrases from English into Chinese and

vice versa:

1.user authentication 用户认证

2.electronic purse 电子钱包

3.information filter 信息过滤

4.data integrity 数据完整性

5.smart card 智能卡

6.HTML 超文本标记语言

7.symmetric key cryptosystem 对称密钥密码系统

8.message authentication code 信息鉴定码

9.unauthorized access control 未授权访问控制

10.electronic catalog 电子目录

11.electronic money (或cash) 电子货币

12.search engine 搜索引擎

13.digital signature 数字签名

14.user interface 用户界面

15.EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer) 电子资金转帐

16.public key cryptosystem 公钥密码系统

17.PDA (personal digital assistant) 个人数字助理

18.hypertext link 超文本链接

19.3D image 三维图像

20.credit card 信用卡

III.Fill in each of the blanks with one of the words given in the following list, making changes if necessary:

The term electronic commerce encompasses the entire process of buying, selling, and advertising products and services using electronic communications media. But when people talk about (e-commerce) today, they're usually referring to the emerging marketplace on the Internet. (Retailers) of all kinds are now scrambling to establish themselves and reach (customers) in this new marketplace.

The major obstacle to e-commerce is the problem of how to pay for (products) and services online. How can electronic (payments) be made convenient, reliable, and (secure) for consumers and retailers alike? As with every other Internet (technology), a global standard for online (transactions) must emerge before

e-commerce becomes a widely accepted (practice).

The drive to establish a standard for (electronic) money is well underway. Software developers, banks, and (credit) card companies are all pushing transaction systems to (online) merchants, each betting that their system will become the (standard) way to pay for things online. As a Web (storefront) owner, you must investigate all the (options) and offer as many choices to your customers as they demand, while keeping (costs) and complexities from getting out of hand.

IV.Translate the following passage from English into Chinese.

A computer virus is a program tha t “infects” computer files (usually other executable programs) by inserting in those files copies of itself. This is usually done in such a manner that the copies will be executed when the file is loaded into memory, allowing them to infect still other files, and so on. Viruses often have damaging side effects, sometimes intentionally, sometimes not.

A virus that propagates (传播) itself across computer networks is sometimes referred to as a “Worm”, especially if it is composed of many separate segments distr ibuted across the network. A “Trojan Horse”, though technically not a virus, is a program disguised as something useful, which when run does something equally devious (阴险的) to the computer system while appearing to do something else.


