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偷蛋龙是一种兽脚亚目食肉恐龙,它的头部和下 颚骨都是改进过的,偷蛋龙的特点就是有很短的 吻部,缺损的牙齿,壮实的下颚骨,还有一个长 长的顶和一Leabharlann Baidu扩充的像牙齿一样的东西,一个大 的,前面的位于下颌外部的孔
Thought dinosaurs once were the overlord of the word ,they died out finally. With regard to the reasons for the extinction of dinosaurs, it is still being studied. For a long time, the most authoritative view, and the extinction of the dinosaurs 6500 years ago about a large meteorite. According to the study, there was a 710 km in diameter asteroid will fall on the earth's surface, causing a large explosion, such as throwing a lot of dust in the atmosphere to form the Zhetianbiri House of Sand and Fog, led to the suspension of plant photosynthesis , And therefore the extinction of the dinosaurs.
肿头龙是用两条腿走 路的,它们有很细的, 圆顶形的头骨,科学 家认为它们有可能是 用它们细小的头部去 顶撞其他恐龙的。
These ornithischians walked on four legs and had a row of bony plates down their back. Stegosaurus, a large stegosaur, also had spikes on its tail. It used its spiked tail for fighting off meat-eating theropods. Stegosaurus was about 30 feet (9 meters) long.
Dinosaurs are a class of animals which lived about 6500 million years ago ,and it can support the body upright , the control of global terrestrial ecosystems over 100 million years. Most dinosaurs have become extinct. but the descendants of dinosaurs - birds, survive and reproduce so far. 恐龙是生活在距今大约6500万年 前的、能支撑身体直立行走的的 一类动物,支配全球陆地生态系 统超过1亿年。大部分恐龙已经灭 绝,但是恐龙的后代——鸟类存 活下来,并繁衍至今。
As is known to us all,there are varieties of dinosaurs long long ago such as Carnivorous dinosaur, Stegosaurus and so on.
These dinosaurs walked on two feet. They had thick, dome-shaped skulls. Scientists think they may have used their thick heads to butt other dinosaurs
Nowadays our human beings life is going on as usual.However ,who can say we can live all the time utill the worldˊs ruin? Just like December 21th 2012….
Hello,everybody, Iˊm very glad to stand here to talk something with you ,then today Iˊd like to share my topic about dinosaurs……
As you can see,the dinosaurs introuduced now is real dinosaurs ,not like this……O__O”…
In addition,there is some other opinions ,such as climate change, said the species, said the fight and continental drift, said… After all,the dinosaurs have extincted…
这些鸟臀目恐龙用它的四条腿走路,而且它 们的背上有一排骨板,剑龙,大的剑龙,在 它的尾巴上有那种板钉状的东西,它经常用 它那带有板钉的尾巴去和兽脚亚目食肉恐龙 战斗,剑龙是大约30英尺(9米)长。
The oviraptorids are a theropod group in which the skull and mandible are highly modified.Oviraptorids are characterized by a short snout,the absence of teeth,a tall mandible,a long pa-rietal,an enlarged tooth-like process on the palate,and a large,anteriorly located external man-dibular fenestra