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organize stay through accommodation
back-packer extra cost
mountain bike cycle hire place
five-star hotel youth hostel
stay in caravan site pricy
expense rent
untidy wavy with plaits 编辫子的 pony tail
be in red/green/dark/ white/light be in tie casual dress formal dress jeans loose clothes wearing jewellery wearing contact lens suit and tie sweater tight clothes T-shirt wearing glasses pullover 套头毛衣 suit 西服,套装
special interest exhibition
collection painting
cabin balcony
birds’ singing have a different focus
sculpture artist reproduction membership
discover something new different parts of rainforest lounge four-wheel-driver tour to
blonde 金黄色的 brown dark
dyed / daid /染色的
gray 灰色的 red white
3. 发型
bald 秃头的 short hair
curly hair卷发的
longhair neat parted on the right side pigtail
aisle intersection/crossroad a fork on road
go on/ along...till you meet step
be on the corner of A street a T road/ an H road and B street be in the corner junction/clover-leaf
sports gear 运动服 go diving
stable 马厩 skiing
swimsuit sleeping bag
waterfall sunscreen
diving gear expire
beach towel
cooking equipment repaired kit first aid kit
contact telephone number
receipt guide travel agency
art gallery
inform in advance each day’s activities information guide
international student card student preference
cycling route
pay all the fees and expenses commence our tour admittance
motel design
historical items heritage
found recreation officer
have a great stay feeling relaxed and refreshed
non-drinker 不喝酒者 maximum rent
dollar pound deposit
surroundings downtown
suburb rural area near the centre/railway station
lease租约 reasonable furnished
English proficiency intermediate
shared kitchen
no privacy road
special food requirement street/ St vegetarian no red meat Pets are not allowed avenue/Ave. lane advertisement/ad
general interest handicapped toilet
open hour wheelchair
education center
information desk theatre screen video
appreciate the world without interruption and distraction rain forest
thin face
thin lips
long face
long nose
turned-up nose
9. 眼睛
bushy eyebrows 浓眉毛 double eyelid
long eyelashes 长睫毛
thin ewk.baidu.comebrows 淡眉毛
四、 假日出游安排
bus trip boat trip go swimming go fishing go horse-riding go cycling do a part-time job do some summer courses row boat scuba diving 潜水 hiking
sea creature spectacular view picnic barbecue Royal National Park hill beach coast underwater life stinger 有刺的动物或植物 jellyfish 水母,海蜇
IELTS 听力场景分类高频词汇表
Steed Ma
一. 指示方向(指路) be far from be nearby go straight across/to/through cross over be next to turn left/right go up/down go back/back/back up ground floor wing annex basement twin building landmark block avenue/ Ave.
二. 住宿
accommodation home stay student hostel flat apartment entrance hall lobby heater stove microwave oven air-conditioning radiator refrigerator carpet
thick hair
twinkling eyes unshaven 不剃须的 weather-beaten face with a scar
with dimple
clean-shaven made-up moustache red cheeks slim and tall
with glasses with lines with spots with wrinkles
far from the bus stop near the airport noisy
insect haunting
1. 一般外貌特征
a beauty-spot
a big smile a jolly man beard big nose
twin-bed room
electric fan
double-bed room bedroom bed sit 卧室兼起居室 share room single room bathroom shower balcony
colour TV set cooled heated sheet/linen 床单 blanket cushion rent/rental price available
free charge
crocodile cruise
reference section
reserve section closed reserve
available for reference
general interest special interest
supplementary reading material fiction course book bibliography index category catalog
go east/west/south/north be on one’s left/right
be the first / second/third from the left/ right directly opposite be located behind/ in front of
stair wheel chair access
popular resort town accommodation directory
checked regularly and well maintained energetic cycling track back pack identification
book in advance
finish one’s exam break holiday relaxation exercises take some fresh air brochure 小册子 excursion 远足 relaxing riverboat trip barrier 障碍物 reef coral marine life magnificent view the reef soak up the sun 泡太阳浴 walk along the beach admire the sunset rocky bluff 悬崖峭壁
7. 年龄
elderly middle-aged in his/her mid-20’s in his/her teens
broken nose round face
double chin
full lips
straight nose
high cheekbone
high forehead
reservation tourist number meeting room
student card driver’s license
unavailable cook service
fill in this form name and address
museum souvernir
passport credit card
feed animals organic farming
visa survival course
driving license flight number
find food by oneself rent bicycle
book a flight
check in take off land
overweight plump slender
thin well-build
6. 高度
1.70m tall average height below average short small tall medium height
hitch-hike 搭便车旅行 surfing
sting diving
rocking climbing
semester cliff walk 攀岩 hunting
domestic animals饲养动物
luggage riding helmet hiking boots
bird-watching bungee jumping 蹦极