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American Dream

“American Dream”, as the name implies, this is a beautiful dream that all Americans are chasing. But what is the dream included? And how can American people realize this dream?

American scholars generally believe that the “The Declaration o f Independence” is the foundation of the American dream and the Statue of Liberty is a symbol of the American dream.1“……, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Right, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”2These words look like the truth of American dream. But it is just in the “The Declaration of Independence”. It is not the reality in the real world.

So what is the real world? The film, The Pursuit of Happiness, can tell something. This film’s hero is a black people. As we all know, African American can never get a fair shake in America. Such discrimination deterred many African Americans from finding a better job. This film’s hero is the same. However, he is the hero, so he must succeed at the end of the film like many other heroes. In the film, he faced many troubles and family problems. As a father, he was really good. But as a husband, he was not good enough. His life was full of ups and downs. But he tried to change it by his diligent, bravery, originality and determination. And as 1刘植荣,《解读美国梦》


later events proved, he did.

Thus far, nothing is strange. And the hero had a happy life with his son at the end. But actually, the hero once said, “I still remembered that moment. They all look so damn happy to me. Why couldn’t I look like that?” He said this after meeting a rich stockbroker. The stockbroker told him that how much he can earn a year as a stockbroker. And in fact, his life was changed because of this encounter. So the point is money. If someone has a lot of money, he can have happiness. From this film, American dream is money.

All in all, American dream always can not realize without money. And from the history, another element is intelligence. Therefore, American dream is money and intelligence.
