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1.What kind of bill is the U.K.government considering?

A)Apermanent DST across the country.

B)Anextension of DST across the country.

C)Atryout of year-round DST across the country.

D)Alengthening DST for the purpose of enhancing tourism.

2.According to this passage,which research suggests that people are more likely to visit parksand attractions after work?

A)Researchdone by Janson.


C)Research done by Hendrik Wolff.

D)Research from the independent PSl.

3.Which of the following islikely to SUffer under DST?



C)Go If courses.

D)Parksand other attractions.

4.Whyare Colorado ski resorts opposed to the bill introduced by Senator Greg Brophy?

A)Becausethe bill will place Colorado on a one.year trial of permanent DST.

B)Because some outdoorsy population like to ski in the morning

C)Becausepeople there don’t like the idea of having an extra hour of darkness.

D)Because the bill would probably cut an hour off their daily operations.5.Why is the stale ofIndialia mentioned in the passage?

A)To show that DST doesn’t save energy sometimes.

B)To show that some states don’t like the idea of DST.

C)To show that DST can enhmice tourism.

D)Toshow that people are happy—go—lucky with or wo it hout DST.

6.The DOE report found theextended DST________ .

A)couldonly save a small amount of energy

B)washelpfid for saving electricily because the overall consumption was huge

C)could reduce annual energy consumption of the whole country by 50%

D)hardlydid any good to energy—saving

7. According to this passage,the reason why the gains under DST are smaller in the South than inthe North is likely to be that__________.

A)the use of air conditioners is increased

B)peoplein the North enjoy the outdoor life more

C)peoplein the South watch TV a lot

D)people in the South are against the idea of DST

8.Proponents of DST say theroadways will be safer in the afternoon rush hours since usually there're marry_______________________________On the road.9.Concerning___________________________,agricultural community opposes


10.Till Roenne berg’s research shows that human bodyclocks aren’t table to__________.




