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Unit 1 A New Life on the University Campus
Lead-In LSP Dialogue Role Play Reading Exercises
Prof.: Are you sure? Boy: Yes. Prof.: Would you be willing to stake your life on it? Boy: I think so. Prof.: What about his life? Boy: I don’t know. Prof.: Well, I recommend knowing before speaking. The
Lead-In LSP Dialogue Role Play Reading Exercises
Prof.: Now, I assume all of you have read pages 1-48... and are now well-versed in subject matter jurisdiction. Who can tell us about Gordon vs. Steele? Let’s call on someone from the hot zone. Elle Woods?
Questions: 1. Why does Prof. Stromwell ask the boy student to stake
his life on the source of the quote? Because Prof. Stromwell tries to emphasize the importance of precision in law. 2. Do you think that teachers should ask students to leave the classroom if they are not prepared for the class? Why or why not? Open question.
Vivian: No. I don’t. Prof.: Would you support my decision to ask her to leave class... and return only when she is prepared?
Vivian: Absolutely.
Unit 1 A New Life on the University Campus Lead-In LSP Dialogue Role Play Reading Exercises
Unit 1 A New Life on the University Campus
law leaves much room for interpretation... but very little for self-doubt. And you were right. It was Aristotle. Girl: Good job.
Unit 1 A New Life on the University Campus
Lead-In LSP Dialogue Role Play Reading Exercises
(Prof. for Professor Stromwell) Prof.: A legal education means you will learn... to speak in a
new language. You will be taught to achieve insight... into the world around you... and to sharply question what you know. The seat you have picked will be yours... for the next nine months of your life. And those of you in the front row... beware. “The law is reason free from passion.” Does anyone know who spoke those immortal words? -Yes? Boy: Aristotle.
Elle: Um… Actually, I wasn’t aware that we had an assignment.
Prof.: Oh… Vivian Kensington. Do you think it’s acceptable that Ms. Woods is not prepared?
A New English Course (Third Edition)
Unit 1
Unit 2
Unit 3
Unit 4
Unit 5
Unit 6
Unit 7
Unit 8
Unit 9
Unit 10
Unit 11
Unit 12
Unit 13
Unit 14
Unit 15
Unit 1 A New Life on the University Campus Lead-In LSP Dialogue Role Play Reading Exercises
Unit 1 A New Life on the University Campus Lead-In LSP Dialogue Role Play Reading Exercises
Movie Clip Inspirational Quote
Unit 1 A New Life on the University Campus
Lead-In LSP Dialogue Role Play Reading Exercises
Movie Clip
Watch the movie clip and answer some questions.