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Unit 10 Bad Habits

Vocabulary Task


A Whenever he’s stressed out, he has a few cigarettes. He likes to smoke two or three packs a day to relax. He’s really got to kick the habit.

B He needs professional help. He’s been gambling way too much. He’s been addicted for a few years now.

C She acts too nervous around me . she just can’t stop biting her fingernails. And she’s always playing with the ends of her hair. The more she does it, the more childish she looks.

Listening Task

1) First Listening


1. The girl bites her fingernails. Her mother thinks it makes her look childish and nervous. Her mother bugs her about it .

2. He lost $200 in a card game and he has one week to come up with the money. He wants to try to win his money back in another card game.

3. Ben has become dependent on alcohol, has a short temper, and lies around in a depression.

4. Jill puts her hair in her mouth and pulls it through her fingers. She looks nervous.

2) Second Listening


1. You’ve gotta stop.

2. You’d better kick the habit.

3. He needs professional help.

4. Don’t let that bother you.


1. A: Stop biting your fingernails!

B: Shhh! Mom, please!

A: Well, it makes you look childish, and too nervous. You’ve gotta stop.

B: I can’t help it, I am nervous! But I’d probably be a lot less nervous if you would stop bugging me about my fingernails.

A: Well, if you’d stop biting your fingernails all the time, I’d stop bugging you.

B: Yeah, well, the more you bug me, the more I bite ‘em.

2. A: Hey, Jason, do you think…could I borrow $100?

B: Are you crazy? What do you need that much money for?

A: I lost two hundred in a card game last week, and all I had was a hundred. The guy I lost to told me I had a week to come up with the money. And tonight’s the night. I don’t know what he’ll do to me if I don’t have the money.

B: Okay, I guess I can loan you the money. I’d hate to see anything bad happen. Let’s go to the cash machine.

A: Thanks, bud. You know, if you loan me an extra fifty or so, I can get in a game, and then I’ll win it back.

B: Not a chance. You’re lucky I’m loaning you the hundred. And I’ll tell you something—this is the last time I’m gonna do it. You’ve been gambling way too much. You’d better kick the habit.

3. A: Could I ask you for some advice?

B: Sure? What’s the matter?

A: Well, it’s Ben…I think that he’s become completely dependent on alcohol.

B: Really? Your husband Ben? He doesn’t seem the type.

A: Well, he is. It’s bad enough he does it when he’s out, but recently he’s been drinking at home , and he’s got a very had temper and sometimes he just lies around in a depression. I love him, but I don’t really want him around our daughter.

B: It sounds o me like he needs professional help. Would he go see a counselor?

A: I’m not sure.

4. A:

So, how was your date with Jill?

B: It was okay, I guess.

A: What went wrong? You’re been wanting to go out with her for months.

B: I know. But she really bugged me. The whole time we were at dinner, she kept playing with the ends of her hair, you know, sticking it in her mouth or pulling it through her fingers. She just couldn’t stop playing with it.

A: That’s not so bad. She was probably just nervous, that’s all. So, what is she like?

B: She’s really funny. And I like talking with her—when she doesn’t have her hair in her mouth. I was starting to feel like she couldn’t relax around me.

A: Don’t let that bother you. Maybe she won’t do it as much when you get to know her.

Real World Listening

1. Predict


Smoking, drinking alcohol, drinking coffee

2. Get the main idea


1. You’re going to have a baby! Are you kidding me? I need a cigarette.

2. You need to stop smoking. But I can’t stop smoking.

3. You can’t drink while you’re pregnant. Okay, then, What else is there?

4. Coffee. Do I have to give up everything I enjoy?

5. It’s important to get regular exercise. You’re kidding!


Doctor: Hi, Julie. How are you?

Julie: Her, Dr. Cassidy. I’m actually fine. It’s just that I’ve been a little tired the last few days, and my stomach is kinda upset.

Doctor: Well, that doesn’t surprise me. I have some news that you might find exciting. You’re pregnant.

Julie: No way!

Doctor: Yes, you’re going to have a baby.

Julie: Are you kidding me? Ah, I need a cigarette.

Doctor: That’s the last thing you need. You need to stop smoking, and immediately.

Julie: But I can’t stop smoking.

Doctor: For your baby’s health, Julie, I’m afraid you have to.

Julie: But smoking is the only way I can relax! It helps me when I’m stressed out.

Doctor: Now, there are a number of things that are extremely important for pregnant mothers, and not smoking is only one of them. Another is to stop drinking alcohol. Do you drink?

Julie: Well, I have a glass of wine with dinner, but I’m not an alcoholic. And I thought a little bit was supposed to be good for you anyway.

Doctor: If you drink while you’re pregnant, your child could have birth defects. I cannot emphasize enough, Julie, the importance of quitting.

Julie: Okay, then. What else is there?

Doctor: Well, coffee.

Julie: Do I have to give up everything I enjoy? I need coffee to wake me up in the morning.

Doctor: I’m afraid, Julie, you’ll have to stop drinking that, too. Caffeine affects the baby’s heart rate. And, it’s also important to get regular exercise.

Julie: You’re kidding! I have to quit smoking, stop drinking alcohol and coffee, and on top of all that, I have to start exercising? Boy, it is amazing that anybody ever gets pregnant.

Doctor: I really hope you’ll take this seriously, Julie
