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arstuhcacteehdeediiendl?anding on the moon.
5. Why! I have nothing to confess. _____ you want me to say?
A. What is it that C. How is it that
B. What it is that D. How it is that
H对e由duidnnti’lt引g起o b的a短ck语h或om从e句af强te调r t,he要注 e意x否pe定rim前e移nt。u结nt构il m是i:dnItigish/tw. as not until…that…
8. It was two years ____ he came back from abroad.
It was in the street that I met him yesterday. It was because he was ill that he was late.
4. ---Was it in 1969 ____ the American astronaut succeeded ___ landing on the moon? --- Yes, that’s right.
1. I have always been honest and
强调句型及其它表达强调的方法; 各种倒装句; 反意疑问句、祈使句、感叹句。
本专题内容知识性强,主要涉及语言形式,高考 在重视对语言的意义和功能考查的同时,高考并 未完全放弃对语言形式的考查。并在将来的考试 中,将会继续保留这些题目。
突破方法:加强语法专项练习,尤其是强调和倒 装,一定要反复练习,确保记忆的准确和全面。 不可单纯机械地记忆,理解才是真正学好语法的 关键。
It might be in his room that he met her.
Where could it be that he met her?
7. It was ____ back home after the experiment.
A. Not until midnight did he go B. until midnight that he didn’t go C. not until midnight that he went D. until midnight when he didn’t go
A. when; on
B. that; on
C. which; in
D. that; in
强I调n 1句96型9的th一e A般m疑eri问ca句n 结ast构ronaut Is\sWucacseietd…edwinhola\ntdhiantg…o?n the moon. e.Igt .waWsa1s96it9dwuhreinngthtehAemSeercicoanndaWstroornldautW
强调句型的特殊疑问句结构 特殊疑问词 + is\was it who\ that…? Where was it that you found your lost pen? Who was it that broke the window?
6. ---I think we have met the word before.
---Yes. It might Fra Baidu biblioteke in the reading material
____ we ____ reading yesterday.
A. that; did
B. that; were
C. when; were
D. when; did
强调句型It is \was…who/ that中is\was 前面可用must\may\might等表推测的情 态动词修饰。
A. before C. that
B. when D. after
HItewcaasmtewboaycekafrrsoamgoabtrhoaatdI btwegoan to yleeaarrnsElantgelri.sh.
IItt wisatswtowyoeyaersarssinlacteerI btehgaat nhetocalemaren bEancgklisfrho.m abroad.
1. It is I ______ wrong.
A.who is
B. that is
C. who am
D. am
强调句型为It is/was +… who/that…
如强调句型指现在或未来的情况用It is, 指过 去用It was. 被强调部分为人强调词可用who 也可用that。被强调部分是主语时要注意主 谓一致 。被强调部分为人称代词时,原句用
被强调部分往往为句子的主语、宾语、时间 状Th语a、t h地e 点of状ten语b等re,ak但s有th时e 也sc可ho以o强l ru调le比s较 复m杂ak的es内h容is。he如ad时te间ac状h语er从un句s、ati地sf点ied状w语it从h 句hi、mn. ot until… 结构、not only…but also 和as well as…等结构。
3. It was only when I reread his poems recently ____ I began to appreciate their beauty.
A. that B. when C. which D. /
被强调部分为时间状语、地点状语、或原因状语 时不I b可e误ga用nwtoheanp,pwrehceiarete或thwehiryb,e强au调ty词只可 用othnalyt 。when I reread his poems recently.
2. It is _____ he often breaks the school rules ____ makes his headteacher unsatisfied with him.
A.what; that
B. that; that
C. that; what
D. /; that