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第一章语法 1.表示动作现在刚完成:

-His son has finished his homework. 第一节时态

2. 表示过去做的动作对现在仍有影响:一.

-It's so cold in here. Who has broken the window? 一般 + s; 在以ch, sh, s, x 或 o 结尾的词后 + es (teaches, goes, washes, fixes, guesses);

3. 过去某时开始的动作一直延续到现在(这时常和since 或for 短语连用)

在以“辅音字母+ y”结尾的词后,变y为i后再加-es (studies, tries) -Li has studied English for twenty years. 1. 表示现在反复发生的动作或存在的

状态,常与every day, once a week, often, -Collecting dolls as a hobby becomes increasingly popular during the past fifty years. always, usually, sometimes, seldom等时间状语连用: b -We go there twice a month. [注] 1.副词用:just, before, already, often, never, ever, always, not...yet或now, today, this -Industrial buyers are responsible for supplying the goods and services that an week等;不用过去的时间状语。organization required for its operations. (d. required - requires) 2.-

His grandmother ______ for thirty years. 2. 表示主语的特征、性格、能力等: a. died b. had died c. has been dead d. has died -He has great concern for others. -He has been in the army for two years. (不能说He has joined the army for ...) -Matter exists in three states. -I ______ a college student for more than a year. 3. 表示客观事物或普遍真理: a. became b. have become c. was d. have been -Light travels faster than

sound. -It is three years since he sent to the U.S. -Japan lies to the east of China. (不能说He has gone to the U.S. for three years.) 4. 表示安排或计划好的将来的动作:四.一般过去时 -The plane takes off at five.

时间状语有: yesterday, ago, in 1978, once, last week (month, year), at that time, 5. 在时间或条件状语从句中表示将来的动作(when, after, before, as soon as, until;

just now等,以及由when等引导的句子。 if, unless):

1. 表示某一确定的过去时间发生的动作或存在的状态: -If it is fine tomorrow, we will have a football match.

-A desert area that has been without water for six years will still bloom when rain -Oberlin College awards degrees to both sexes in 1837, but coeducaion in American

will come. (will come - comes) a

colleges did not spread until the second half of the century. (awards - awarded) 二.现在进行时

2. 表示过去某一段时间内经常发生或习惯的动作: study-studying; come-coming; sit-sitting (forget-forgetting); die-dying

-From 1910 to 1927 Corra Harris ______ out an average of a novel a year. 通常不能用于现在进行时的常见动词如下:

a. has brought

b. were bringing

c. had brought

d. brought see, hear, smell, taste, know, find, forget, notice, suggest, be, love, like, want, hope,

3. used to: wish, prefer, hate, understand, remember, believe, have, consist, seem.

-We used to get up at five every morning when we were in the countryside. 1. 表示此时此刻(说话时)正在进行的动作:

五.过去进行时 -The students are running to the sports-field.

表示过去某一时刻或某个阶段正在进行的动作或正发生的历史事件。 2. 表示现阶段正在进行的动作,但此刻不一定在进行:

-Bill said that he ______ his homework at half past seven yesterday evening. -He is writing a novel this year.

a. did

b. was doing

c. is going to do

d. has done 3. 可表示将来发生

的动作,这一用法常用于go, come, leave, start等动词,后面也六.过去完成时常用表示较近的将来时间状语,如tomorrow, tonight, this coming Friday等,表



常有by, before, until, as soon as, when, because等引导的短语或从

句,表示过去 -Those visitors are leaving for Wuhan tomorrow.

的时间。 4. 用来给习惯性动作加上赞赏或讨厌等感情色彩:

-By the end of last year, he had learned about 1,000 words. -The boy who is sitting beside me is always asking me a lot of whys and hows.

-He was seeing somebody creeping into the house through the open window last night.

Preposition (G) 5. At the far side of the yard there was a kitchen garden (菜园), and ______ that was

1. in, on, at yesterday morning in the morning tomorrow morning the orchard (果园). (再过去是果园) yesterday afternoon in the afternoon
