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Section ⅢUsing Language



1.It is ________ (正好是) four o'clock, not one minute more nor one minute less.

2.The old man was ________ (感激的) to me for my carrying the luggage for him.

3.She strongly ________ (不喜欢) being spoken to like that.

4.It is the custom to give a ________ (小费) after you are served in western countries.

5.They ________ (交换) books with each other.

6.There is an unfair ________ (条款) in this contract.

7.He has ________ (收到) a letter from his family.

8.Please ________ (解释) why you are late.

9.This song is popular with ________(青少年).

10.I often ask for ________ (建议) when in trouble.


1.exactly 2.grateful 3.disliked 4.tip 5.swapped

6.item 7.received 8.explain 9.teenagers 10.advice Ⅱ.完成句子

1.The cost ________ ________ ________ (总计达) 100 million yuan.(add)

2.It is the first time I________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________(面对面与她交谈).(talk) 3.I ________ ________ ________(担忧) her safety.(concern) 4.Sometimes we quarrel, but soon we ___________ _________ (平静下来) and have a heart­to­heart talk.(calm) 5.He doesn't say that ________ ________ (故意).(purpose) 6.He ________ ________ (隐藏了) my book somewhere.(hide) 7.It's no pleasure ________ (嘲笑) the disabled.(laugh) 8.You have no idea what I have ________ ________(经历) in the last few years to get over the disease.(go) 9.Could you ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ (给我一些建议关于) how to learn English?(give)

10.They all ________ ________(加入) singing the Christmas carols.(join)


1.added up to 2.have talked with her face to face

3.am concerned about 4.calm down 5.on purpose

6.hid away ughing 8.gone through

9.give me some advice on 10.joined in


1.Mike ________ with Janet for over one year before they got married.

A.had fallen in love B.had been in love

C.has fallen in love D.has been in love

[解析]句意:迈克与珍妮特在结婚前已相爱一年多了。由从句中 got 的时态可知主句的时态应用过去完成时。fall in love with 表瞬间动作;be in love with 表示状态。


2.Readers can ________ quite well without knowing the exact meaning of each word.

A.get over B.get in

C.get along D.get through

[解析]考查动词词组辨析。句意:不知道每个词的确切意思,读者也能理解得很好(进展顺利)。四个选项中只有 get along 意为“进行,进展”。


3.You are saying that he is honest, and this is ________ I disagree.

A.when B.where

C.what D.how

[解析]disagree 是一个不及物动词,不可直接接宾语,排除C项;再由句意知选B项。


4.We're going to play basketball. Would you like to ________?

A.join B.join in

C.attend D.take part in

[解析]join in “参加”,join in 中的 in 既可以是介词又可以是副词;而 take part in 中的 in 是介词,其后需加宾语。根据句意A、C、D三项均不合适。


5.We can communicate ________ people in every part of the world ________ the Internet.

A.with; with B.with; through

C.through; through D.through; with

[解析]本题表达与……联系,根据 communicate 的用法,第一空应填 with;表示通过因特网的方式,应用介词 through。


6.________ is a good form of exercise for both the young and the old.

A.The walk B.Walking

C.To walk D.Walk

[解析]考查动名词作主语的用法。此处用动名词 walking 表示“散步”,着重强调动作特征。A、D两项不符合语法规律,故排除。to walk 也可做主语,但表示具体的某一次行动,不符合此处的语境。句意:散步无论对年轻人还是老年人来说都是一种好的锻炼形式。故选B。


7.Could you give me some tips________how to improve my spoken English?
