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1.— Could you please tell me _____ “The Readers”, a TV programme hosted by Dong Qing?

—Well, it is fun and teaches us a lot of knowledge.

A.how do many people like

B.how many people watch

C.why many people like

D.when many people watch




2.– Jack, your T-shirt is so beautiful, could you tell me _______ it?

– Oh, yes. I bought it in a store online.

A.where did you buy

B.where do you buy

C.where you buy

D.where you bought



【解析】句意:—杰克,你的体恤衫非常漂亮,你能告诉我你在哪里买的它吗?—哦,可以。我在网上商店里买的它。根据I bought it in a store online.可知此处用一般过去时,作为动词tell 的宾语从句,用陈述语序:疑问词+主语+谓语+宾语,故选D。

3.—Could you please tell me __________?

—Last month.

A.how long Daniel has been away from Taizhou

B.how long Daniel stayed in Taizhou

C.when Daniel will come back to Taizhou

D.when Daniel left Taizhou



【解析】句意:-你能告诉我丹尼尔什么时候离开泰州的吗?-上个月。本题考察宾语从句,注意宾语从句的时态和语序。A. how longDaniel has been away from Taizhou丹尼尔离开泰州多久了,现在完成时态,陈述句的语序;B. how long Daniel stayed in Taizhou丹尼尔在泰州呆了多久,一般过去时态,陈述句的语序;C. when Daniel will come back to Taizhou丹尼尔何时将回泰州,一般将来时态,疑问语序;D. when Daniel left Taizhou丹尼尔何时离开泰州的,一般过去时态,陈述句的语序。根据答语可知,询问过去的事情,所以本题使用一般过去式;同时,在宾语从句中,应用陈述句的语序。故选:D。

4.— I wonder______.

—I' m not sure yet.

A.which is hers

B.which hers is

C.Whether is it hers

D.whether hers it is



【解析】句意:--我想要知道哪一个是她的。—我也不确定。I wonder后加宾语从句表示“我想要知道…”,宾语从句应该使用陈述语序,故选项B应改为which is hers,选项C/ D应改为whether it is hers,只有A是陈述语序,故选A。

5.Which of the following sentences has an object clause?

A.His mother called him Robbie when he was a baby

B.On Mars you might see people who wear special boots

C.Mr. Green tells us that we'd better use the Internet properly

D.Our life has improved because the environment is getting better.



【解析】句意:下面哪个句子含有一个宾语从句?选项分析:A. 当他还是婴儿的时候,他妈妈叫他罗比。此句是when引导的时间状语从句;B. 在火星上你可能看到穿有特殊靴子的人们。此句是who引导的定语从句;C. 格林先生告诉我们最好正确使用网络,此句是that 引导的宾语从句;D.因为环境的改善,我们的生活已经得到提高。此句是because引导的原因状语从句。答案应选C。

6. Before you start reading, ask yourself_____ you are reading this book. Most people read for two main

reasons, pleasure or knowledge.







【解析】句意:在你开始读书之前,问问你自己为什么要读这本书。多数人是因为两个原因,娱乐和增长见识。A. why为什么; B. what什么;C. where哪儿;D. when什么时间。根据句意和下文可知,要明确读书的原因,故选A。

7.—Alice, could you tell me _______London?

—Sure. Last Sunday

A.when Mr.Smith left

B.when Mr.Smith wi11 leave

C.when did Mr.Smith leave

D.when will Mr.Smith leave



【解析】句意:—爱丽丝,你能告诉我史米斯先生什么时候离开伦敦的吗?—当然可以。上星期天。根据could you tell me _______? 可知,本题考查宾语从句,宾语从句中一般为陈述语序,选项C/D是疑问语序,所以排除掉;再根据Last Sunday,可知这里指的是过去的时间,时态用一般过去时。故选A。

8.—What did Tom say to you just now, John?
