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I. Listening Comprehension(略)

II. Grammar and Vocabulary (20分)

Section A

Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.

To have a fruitful discussion, teachers need to decide what seating arrangement is best for their own class and be prepared to experiment with different methods. (1) method is adopted, it should help and be productive of dialogue between children as well as between teacher and child. Within the physical setting, children and teachers should agree (2) a discussion takes place.

Why are rules necessary for discussion? This may be a question to ask the children. If children are given freedom to talk, why are there rules that will restrict that freedom? The golden rule is of course that one’s own freedom (3) not interfere with the freedom of others. Individuals within a democratic community have equal rights. A child who talks all the time (4) (deny) the rights of others to be heard. Each person should be allowed an equal chance to speak and to put forward their own point of view and if we wish (5) (listen) to, then we should listen to others. There is no point giving a point of view (6) someone is listening. (7) of us are capable of listening to more than one person at a time, so another basic rule should be: only one person to speak at a time. Listening implies not only hearing the words but paying attention to the meaning of (8) is being said. This is not a natural thing for children to do. School is typically a place where children learn to listen to the teacher but not to each other. The skills of listening need to be practiced. The ideal discussion, (9) everyone listens to the speaker and then each is allowed to reply, is rare among adults, let alone children. It works (10)

(well) when certain ground-rules for discussion are followed.


1. Whichever

2. how

3. should

4. denies

5. to be listened

6. unless

7. None

8. what

9. in which10. better


1. 考查让步状语从句。前句中有different methods,所以应该用whichever,表示


2. 考查宾语从句。

3. 考查情态动词。should 表示提出建议,表示该,可以。

4. 考查谓语动词。主语是单三人称,而且时态用一般现在时,所以用denies.

5. 考查动词不定式。wish to do sth, 固定搭配,但是也要注意此处用动词不定式的被动,表示我们希望被倾听。根据下文,主要在说讨论的规则,所以此处应该用how, 表示方式。

6. 考查条件状语从句。根据句意,表示如果没有人倾听,发表意见也是没有意义的。所以用unless。

7. 考查不定代词。根据句意,另外一个黄金规则是一次只有一个人说话,所以表示没有人能够一次同时倾听很多人讲话。所以选用None.

8. 考查宾语从句。分析句子结构,从句中缺少主语,用what表示正在被说的事情。

9. 考查非限制性定语从句。in which 就等于in the discussion.

10. 考查形容词比较级。前后句暗含比较,主要强调后句的方法更好。


1. fruitful adj. 富有成效的;多产的

2. adopt v. 采取;接受;收养;

3. productive adj. 富有成效的;多产的

4. restrict vt. 限制;约束;限定

5. interfere with干扰,干涉;妨碍;

6. democratic adj. 民主的;

7. there is no point (in) doing sth 做…没有意义

8. typically adv. 代表性地;典型地

9. rare adj. 稀有的;稀薄的;半熟的

10. ground-rule 基本原则,基本规则

Section B (10分)

Directions: Complete the passage with the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.

Most people get sweaty palms just staring at EI Capitan, a breathtaking rock
