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IFC-CPDF Marketing Consulting Services Business Performance Improvement Program
确定行业专小市场 Identify Industry Niches

确定你擅长的领域,从而针对专小目标 市场提供服务 Identify your areas of industry expertise in order to target industry niches
- 品牌推广 Branding
IFC-CPDF Marketing Consulting Services Business Performance Improvement Program
Marketing Consulting Services
Business Performance Improvement Program
战略性营销计划 Strategic Marketing Plan…
- 未来方向-战略发展
- 战略性营销战略
Strategic marketing strategy Future direction – strategy development
战略性营销计划 Strategic Marketing Plan…

营销计划应包括以下方面: The marketing plan should cover the following areas:
- 产品和服务 Products and services - 市场分析和预测 Market analysis and evaluation - SWOT分析 SWOT analysis - 市场评估 Market evaluation - 目标市场 Target markets
- 企业不存在严重的资本不足问题 Have a business that is not severely under-capitalised
IFC-CPDF Marketing Consulting Services Business Performance Improvement Program
- 能从管理和营销的辅导中获益
Would benefit from coaching in management and marketing
- 企业盈利或在短期内具有盈利的潜力
Have a business that is profitable or has the potential to quickly become profitable
- 业绩测评
Performance measurement
- 财务预测
Financial projections

财务预测应该切实可行,建立企业经营业绩改善计划 和获取收益需要一定的时间
Financial projections need to be realistic, it will take time to build your Business Performance Improvement Profile and revenue
主人——受益人 Host Beneficiaries 方案书 Proposals

签订咨询协议 Engaging Clients
Marketing Consulting Services Business Performance Improvement Program
营销概览 Marketing Overview...
Marketing Consulting Services
Business Performance Improvement Program
确定目标客户 Identify Target Clients…

Identify your target market within your existing client base:
客户选择标准 Client Selection Criteria…

A-class client selection criteria should be based on attributes of the type of clients you want to attract to the practice.

行业市场 Niches
树立企业形象 Building Your Profile
Marketing Consulting Services Business Performance Improvement Program

概览 Overview…

推荐的力量 The Power of Referrals
IFC-CPDF Marketing Consulting Services Business Performance Improvement Program
客户选择标准 Client Selection Criteria…

It is essential that you develop your own unique client selection criteria
Marketing Consulting Services Business Performance Improvement Program

营销概览 Marketing Overview...

To market your practice successfully, the following factors need to be adhered to:

营销计划能对你如何在市场上提高服务形象,制 定切实的目标有所帮助
The marketing plan will assist your practice to set realistic goals on how to increase the practice’s profile within the marketplace
咨询服务营销策略 Marketing Consulting Services
概览 Overview…

制定战略性的营销计划 Develop A Strategic Marketing Plan 确定目标客户 Identify Target Clients 制定客户选择标准 Develop Client Selection Criteria
Marketing Consulting Services
Business Performance Improvement Program
战略性营销计划 Strategic Marketing Plan…

制定适合自身的战略性营销计划来指导营销行动 是非常重要的
It is important to develop your own strategic marketing plan to guide your marketing efforts

营销是任何成功咨询服务必不可少的组成部分 Marketing is an essential component to any successful consulting practice

为保持盈利,咨询公司必须寻求新客户,并将其转变 为长期客户 To remain profitable, consultants need to obtain new clients and convert them to ongoing clients 由此,咨询公司需要能销售他们的服务,而不能依赖 于经常性收入 To do this, consultants need be able to sell their services, they cannot rely on recurring fees
Marketing Consulting Services
Business Performance Improvement Program
树立企业形象 Building Your Profile

It is very important that your build your practice profile within the local community
- 消除偏见
Do not discriminate
- 确定有发展潜力的企业
Identify businesses that have potential to grow
- 将客户按行业分类
Categorise your clients into industries
- 非目标客户
Non-target clients

Ways in which to accomplish this include:
- 公关活动中的机会 Public relations opportunities - 报纸、杂志上发表论文 Articles in newspapers, journals and magazines - 公司介绍手册 Brochures – business profiles

Ultimately this will increase sales and profitability of the practice
Marketing Consulting Services
Business Performance Improvement Program
客户选择标准 Client Selection Criteria…
- 客户态度友好、和善
Have a pleasant outgoing personality
- 愿意倾听建议
Are willing to listen to advice
- 对自己提供的产品和服务具有清晰的要求
Have a business that has a clearly defined demand for the products and services they offer
- 确定目标市场 Define your target market - 确定客户(你希望的客户类型) Identify clients (the type you want to have) - 发现他们的需求 Discover their needs - 向他们出售服务 Sell the service to them - 继续提供优质服务 Continue to deliver excellence in service
A-class clients increase your profitability, the rest consume time and basically just make you less money
Marketing Consulting Services
Business Performance Improvement Program

Examples of these include the following:
- 经营一年以上 Have been in business for at least one year - 具有技术优势 Are technically competent - 付款迅速 Pay their bills promptly
根据这些标准,仅为你希望提供服务的客户服务, 即A级客户
Use this to grow the practice by serving only those clients that you want to serve, in other words A-class clients

A级客户能增加你的收益率,其他客户却只能浪费 你的时间,让你收益很少