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In a tree in a jungle, there lived many birds. Before the 1.()season began, the birds were very busy. Theycollected branches(树枝)and leaves 2.()their nests. They also stored some food or their children. Theykept 3.()busy preparing for the 4.()times.

Soon the rains came It was followed by thunder(雷鸣)and lightning. One day, a monkey wet in the raincame into the forest He sat on a branch, shivering(发抖)with cold.

The poor monkey tried his best to get shelter(遮蔽), 5. ()failed. The leaves were not enough to save him 6. ()the rain. The birds were 7. ()all this. They felt sorry for the monkey but there was little they could do for him. One of them said; "Brother! Our small nests are not enough to give you shelter." Another bird said: "All of us prepared for the rainy season. If you had, you would not be in this bad situation." "How dare (敢)you tell me 8. ()?" said the monkey. He 9. ()tore up(撕成碎片)the bird's nest and threw it on the ground.

The poor bird thought "Fools never value good 10.(). It is better not to advise them."

1. A. sunny B. cloudy C. dry D. rainy

2. A. build B. built C. to build D. to built

3. A. they B. them C. their D. themselves

4. A. easy B. happy C. difficult D. sad

5. A. but B. and C. so D. because

6. A. on B. from C. at D. in

7. A. watch B. watched C. watching D. watches

8. A. what to do B. how to do C. what to do it D. when to do

9. A. angry B. angryly C. anger D. angrily

10. A. advice B. advices C. suggest D. suggest on


Some people have very good memories and can easily learn quite long poems (诗歌)by heart.1. ()people have poor memories and can't remember things 2. ()they have said them over and overagain.

The famous English writer, Charles Dickens, said that he could walk down any long street in 3.()And them tell you names of all the shops he had 4.() . Many great men of the world have wonderful memories. (5)()Leonardo left many unfinished paintings because he had no time.


3. 阅读下面一篇短文,判断下列句子是否符合短文内容,符合的用"A" 表示,不符合的用"B" 表示。

Leonardo da Vinci was born on April 15,1452 in Italy. He is best known as an artist. One of his famous paintings is called Mona Lisa. However, Leonardo had many other natural abilities. He was also a great inventor.Many of his inventions have become important in modem daily life.

By watching the way birds fly, Leonardo tried to find out the secret of flying. Among his sketches(素描)we can see several objects. We consider them as modem flying machines. Although Leonardo hated war, he invented many different machines used for war. His most special invention was the machine gun, which was produced and used in war many years later.

Leonardo was a strange man. He didn't eat any meat, which was very unusual at that time. He never published(发表)his ideas and scientific
