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Units1—2 词组(22)

1】欢迎到中国welcome to China 2】来自be from /come from

3】穿…(衣服);在… be in 4】我和你you and I

5】我、你、他you ,he and I 6】长得不同look different =have different looks

7】在同一所学校in the same school 8】在不同班级In different classes/schools

9】长得漂亮have a nice look 10】有一个幸福的家庭have a happy family

11】把某物给某人give sb. sth. =give sth. to sb. 12】看起来像look like

13】长的一样look the same=have the same looks 14】黑头发的女孩the girl with black hair 15】那边的那个女孩the girl over there

16】穿绿色衣服的女孩the girl in green 穿一件绿色上衣的女孩the girl in a green coat 17】把某物带到这bring sth. here , 18】把某物带给某人bring sth. to sb.=bring sb. sth.

19】看、瞧某物look at sth. 20】让某人做谋事let sb. do sth.

21】帮某人做谋事help sb. (to) do sth. 22】去购物go shopping


1】告诉某人某事tell sb. sth. 2】告诉某人做某事tell sb. to do sth.

3】打电话给某人call sb. 4】说英语/汉语/日语speak English /Chinese / Japanese

5】在英国in England 6】用英语in English 7】想要做某事want to do sth.

8】喜欢做某事like doing sth. (某种场合)喜欢做某事like to do sth.

9】帮助某人学习什么help sb. with sth. 10】帮助某人做某事help sb. (to) do sth.

11】到家be home 12】在家be at home 13】进来come in

14】请坐Have a seat / Take a seat/ Sit down.

15】在一所学校/商店/医院/办公室in a school/a shop/a hospital/an office

16】在农场on a farm 17】某人家的一张照片a photo of one’s family

18】在沙发上on the sofa 19】照顾他/她look after him /her

20】想要某物would likesth.=want sth.=need sth.

21】想要做某事would like to do sth.=want to do sth.

22】自用、自取Help yourself/ yourselves. 23】……怎么样?How/What about sth?

24】How/What about doing sth? 25】为何(你)不做某事Why not do sth?=Wh y don’t you do sth? 26】让某人做某事let sb. do sth. 27】两杯苹果汁two glasses of apple juice

28】三瓶牛奶three bottles of milk 29】等一会儿wait a moment

30】要我帮忙吗?May I help you? 31】一些喝的/吃的something to drink/ eat

32】给你Here you are! 33】下馆子/出去吃eat out 34】让我看看Let me see.

35】与某人就餐have dinner with sb. 36】我很乐意I’d love to =I’d like to

37】参观长城visit the Great Wall 38】非常喜欢like…very much/a lot

39】一点不喜欢don’t like…at all40】很高兴做某事be glad to do sth.

Unit 4 (60)

1】要我帮忙吗?What can I do for you?=May/ Can I help you?

2】我想为某人买某物I’m looking for sth for sb.=I’d like sth for sb.

3】我可以试穿吗?Can I try it on? 4】试穿try on try it/ the skirt on

5】我们买下了We’ll take it. 6】多少钱?How much is it/ are they?

7】你觉的…….怎么样?How do you like…?8】开玩笑吧?Are you kidding?

9】一双鞋a pair of shoes

10】还是要谢谢你仍然要谢谢你Thank you all the same=Thank you anyway.

11】我们只是看看We’re just looking. 12】帮帮忙好吗?Could you help me out?

13】什么事?What’s wrong with…=What’s up?

14】多少….How many+可数名词复数How much+不可数名词

15】别担心Don’t worry about…. 16】正确,没错T hat’s right. 17】没有关系That’s all right 18】有空,be free=have time 19】这星期天this Sunday

20】这星期天上午this Sunday morning 21】今天下午this afternoon

22】去野餐go for a picnic 23】告诉某人有关…..tell sb.sth.

24】忘记去做某事forget to do sth. 25】去游泳go swimming 26】踢足球play soccer= 27】那太好了That would be very nice. 28】与某人说话speak to sb.

29】在家be in = be at home 30】叫某人做某事ask sb. to do sth.=

31】回话call back=give sb. a call back 32】得/不得不have to / has to 33】做饭cook food 34】放风筝fly a kite =fly kites 35】有趣be fun 36】恐怕I’m afraid

37】没有时间have no time 38】提水carry water 39】野餐have a picnic=

40】在星期天on Sunday 41】去动物园go to the zoo. 42】回家/去那Go home /there. 43】最喜欢….like sth. Best=

44】该(某人)做某事;到(某人)做某事的时候了It’s time (for sb.)to do sth. =It’s time for sth. 45】下一次next time 46】去学校/睡觉go to school/ go to bed

47】上课start school=have lessons 48】做运动play sports= do sports

49】谢谢某人做某事Thank sb. for (doing) sth. 50】起床get up 51】看电视watch TV 52】做家庭作业do one’s homework 53】在6点40分at 6:40=

54】在12点30分at half past twelve=

55】在早晚上下午in the morning/in the afternoon/ in the evening

56】让某人做某事Let sb. do sth. 57】让我帮助你Let me help you.

58】什么东西有毛病?What’s wrong with sth?59】在某人回家的路上on one’s way home 60】你真是太好了(做某事)It’s very kind of you (to do sth.)


1.Could you please tell me your name?你能告诉我你的名字吗?

2.You can call me Mike for short.你可以简称我为迈克。

3.We are in the same class.我们在同一个班级

4.May I study English with you?我可以和你学英语吗?

5.Who is the letter from?这封信是谁寄来的?

6.Where does he live? He lives in England.他住在那里?他住在英国。

7.What does he say in the letter?他在信里写了什么?

8.He wants to visit the Greet wall.他想参观长城。

9.I like to speak English there.我喜欢在哪里说英语。

10.It is helpful to me.他对我有帮助。

11.He doesn’t like the English corner at all.他一点也不喜欢英语角。

12.She seldom speaks English. 她很少说英语。

13.I often help Liu Ting with her English.我常常帮助刘亭学英语

14.Kangkanh liks soccer a lot.康康非常喜欢足球。

15.Please help us to find him.请帮助我们找到他。
