


Passage1:水獭 Otters。



1-9 匹配










10-13 填空

10、salt water

11、swimming speed

12、costal otters

13、small mammals

Passage2: Renwable energy



14-20 判断








21-26 匹配







Passage3:The art of deception



27-32 选择


28、describe the origin of Ek research

29、micro-expressions are common for all people

30、are examined to learn about micro-expressions

31、micro-expression can be used in a limited range of occupations

32-36 填空

32、false relief





37-40 判断
















题刷多了之后他家会发现,不同题型他对文章不同部分的考察点是不一样的。比如list of headings考察是段落理解能力,True/ False / Not given考察的是句子理解能力。有针对性的答题往往会总结出适合自己的答题规律。










1. Multiple choice多项选择题,即要求考生从题目中给出的选择题中选出一个或多个正确答案。

2. Short-answer question简答题,即要求考生用几个单词或短语回答问题,通常一道题允许有多个类似答案均可。

3. Sunstone compilation完成句子题,即要求考生补充题目中缺漏部分,即填空。

4. notes /summary/diagram/ flow chart/table complication 完成备忘录/摘要/图表/流程图/表格。

5. choosing from a "heading bank"for identified paragraphs/sections of the text标题对应题。

6. Identifacation of writer's view/attitudes/claims-yes, no or not given判断对错题。

7. Matching lists/phasas匹配题。

8. Classification归类题。



一词多义也是雅思阅读对词汇的一个考点。比如在剑 5 Johnson’s Dictionary一文的题目中就出现过shade一词,除了有荫凉处这个含义之外,它还有微小细微的含义,原文shade的意思就是第二种也是考生不太知道的意思。




2021年2月6日雅思阅读考试真题答案 在备考雅思期间,可以练习一下考过的真题,练习真题能够帮助我们了解雅思考试的题型,下面来给大家分享一下2021年2月6日雅思阅读考试真题答案。 Passage1:水獭 Otters。 难易度:一般。 题型:匹配+填空。 1-9 匹配 1、B 2、A 3、B 4、F 5、C 6、E 7、G 8、G 9、A 10-13 填空 10、salt water 11、swimming speed 12、costal otters 13、small mammals Passage2: Renwable energy 难易度:一般 题型:判断+匹配 14-20 判断 14、FALSE 15、TRUE 16、NOT GIVEN

17、TRUE 18、FALSE 19、TRUE 20、FALSE 21-26 匹配 21、B 22、D 23、A 24、C 25、B 26、C Passage3:The art of deception 难易度:难。 题型:选择+填空+判断。 27-32 选择 27、peers 28、describe the origin of Ek research 29、micro-expressions are common for all people 30、are examined to learn about micro-expressions 31、micro-expression can be used in a limited range of occupations 32-36 填空 32、false relief 33、crimes 34、research 35、justice 36、acting 37-40 判断 37、NOT GIVEN 38、NO


一、2021年2月25日雅思阅读真题及答案 Passage 1 主题:澳大利亚对工作与家庭看法的实验。 分析:第一篇话题较简单,考生读起来障碍不大,例如工作和家庭的平衡等,不同的澳洲人不同的看法。 Passage 2 主题:书面语言的研究。 分析:第二篇关于academic language书面语的源头,出现了标点符号的使用和具体一些词语的使用等考生觉得陌生的部分,考生不需要理解所有的出现概念,很浪费时间,应该根据题干需要读哪就去哪里去理解。 Passage 3 主题:真实的福尔摩斯。 分析:第三篇是一篇机经旧文,以考生都熟悉的侦探人物福尔摩斯展开话题,讲到是一个被历史遗忘的福尔摩斯,一个真正的福尔摩斯,文章本文具有一定趣味性。 27-31 选择 27. A 28. B 29. B 30. C 31. D 32-36 判断 32. NG 33. T 34. F 35. NG

36. T 37-40 人名匹配 37. C John Emsley 38. F Ray Mower 39. H Joseph Bell 40. H Joseph Bell 二、雅思阅读备考技巧 单词 IELTS普通培训类阅读文章中涉及词汇7000左右,但具备4000左右(即大学英语四级水平)即可应考。单词量不够的考生,应在短期内迅速扩充认知词汇,为看文章做题打下一个良好的基础。 句子 IELTS阅读中有的题目考的是对于文章中某一句子的理解,若考生领会有偏差,就容易失分。考生应对一些复合句,尤其是双重否定句、比较句、指代句等有一定的了解。在遇到比较复杂的句子的时候,应静下心来,从把握句子主干一一主谓结构着手来分析句子结构。所以你需要找到一本分析句子之中语法成分,拆分句子的语法书,这样你在拆解句子的时候就不会迷失了。 速度 ① 边看边读 有的同学由于以前学英语课文的时候有朗读的习惯,碰到英语文章,总是情不自禁地读出声来,或是口里念念有词。这样做的后果,必然是阅读速度降低。解决问题的关键是,一定要树立"看"文章而不是"读"文章的心态。 ② 一次只看一个单词 有的同学是逐词逐词地看,一眼只看一个单词.这样做.不仅速度慢,而且可能会出现这样一种情形:每个单词都认识,但整句话就是理解不了。克服上述逐词阅读坏习惯的方法是争取眼睛在文章中移动的速度逐步加快,一次看一个意群,而不是只看一个单词。 ③遇生词则停顿


2021年雅思考试阅读试题及答案解析 2021年雅思考试阅读试题及答案解析 From The Economist print edition How shops can exploit people’s herd mentality to increase sales 1. A TRIP to the supermarket may not seem like an exercise in psychological warfare—but it is. Shopkeepers know that filling a store with the aroma of freshly baked bread makes people feel hungry and persuades them to buy more food than they had intended. Stocking the most expensive products at eye level makes them sell faster than cheaper but less visible petitors. Now researchers are investigating how “swarm intelligence” that is,how ants,bees or any social animal,including humans,behave in a crowd can be used to influence what people buy. 2. At a recent conference on the simulation of adaptive behaviour in Rome,Zeeshan-ul-hassan Usmani,a puter scientist from the Florida Institute of Technology,described a new way to increase impulse buying using this phenomenon. Supermarkets already encourage shoppers to buy things they did not realise they wanted:for instance,by placing everyday items such as milk and eggs at the back of the store,forcing shoppers to walk past other tempting goods to reach them. Mr Usmani and Ronaldo Menezes,also of the Florida Institute of Technology,set


2021年雅思考试阅读解析及答案(17) 文章标题A Famous Management scholar彼得德鲁克文章大意讲一个人,他是管理学的开创者(pioneer of the business management),第一个把管理学从经济领域扩大到其他行业的。文中大篇幅的讲了管理者应该转变观念,视员工为knowledge source 而不是work machine。管理者和员工不仅仅是老板和雇员的关系,而是更介于其中的一种,有一个词不会翻译, 还有提到管理者应该来制定长远计划,而员工应该有自由来决定用什么方法去实现。题目类型HeadingY/N/NG (3)多选 参考答案List of headings:答案一:第一段总述了一下他的成就,写过n本书,影响遍布各个角落第二段他早期的三本书及大致内容,其中有一本现在还在印刷第三段写此人的几个重要思想, 其中有好多他的经典理论第四段一些人的针对性批评第五段这些批评有的对有的不对,举了例子来辩护后面还有一段/2段,不太记得了答案二:第一个是选择他的著作流行和对世界的广泛影响;第二个是他早期的publishing;第三个是写BLALANCED MANAGEMENT;第四个是PRO AND CON;第五个是find fault with DRUKER;第六个是the changing role of the employee.(不太肯定的有一个)Y/N/NG: 1. 此人认为员工和老板应该有一样的地位(yes/ NG 不详) 2. 第二题:政府能决定经济(NG) 3. 政治家无法控制经济发展这一项选择NG多选:1,哪两项是他的观点貌似是CD 选项是他认为管理学应该超出管理的范围;员工管理要


T-Rex Hunter TRUE/FALSE/NOTGIVEN//TRUE/NOTGIVEN/TRUE/FALSE shin bone/slow walker/cheetah/run fast/blunt/crush The British Bittern ii/v/viii/i/vi/iii/iv 1950s/shy/starvation/fish/otter/B Travel Accounts Persian wars/allies/geographical knowledge/pilgrimage/Buddhist teachers/colonies/principles/wealthy D/B/A/C/D/D Tasmanian Tiger Extinction Is Forever? striped coat/Australia/4000 years/Tasmania/European(settlers)/captivity E/F/A/D/B/A/C/D The Ant and the Mandarin E/G/C/D/B/TRUE/FALSE/FALSE/TRUE/TRUE/NOT GIVEN/TRUE/NOT GIVEN Asian Space--Satellite Technology iv/vii/iii/x/ii/ix

B/D/A FALSE/NOT GIVEN/TRUE/FALSE Thomas Harriot --The Discovery of Refraction x/v/ix/iii/vii magnification/a prism(prisms)/language/ship design/rainbow refraction(refraction in rainbow) D/B/E/A Smell and Memory-Smells Like Yesterday A/B/A/C/C/D/B/C/C create a story/brain scans/olfactory cortex/spice Flight from Reality Navigation and communications/radiation/antennae/smoke C/D/B/E/A TRUE/TRUE/NOT GIVEN/TRUE What Are You Laughing at? D/B/A/C/B/A/H/F/I/D FALSE/NOT GIVEN/TRUE


2021年雅思考试阅读试题及答案 2021年雅思考试阅读试题及答案 导语:雅思阅读考试分学术类和培训类两种,分别针对申请留学的学生和计划在英语语言国家参加工作或移民的.人士。三篇文章40道题目总共用时60分钟,包括将答案誊写到答题卡上的时间。下面是我为您收集整理的英语资料,希望对您有所帮助。 Study Finds Web Antifraud Measure Ineffective Published: February 5, 2021 New York Times 1. Internet security experts have long known that simple passwords do not fully defend online bank accounts from determined fraud artists. Now a study suggests that a popular secondary security measure provides little additional protection. 2.The study, produced jointly by researchers at Harvard and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, looked at a technology called site-authentication images. In the system, currently used by financial institutions like Bank of America, ING Direct and Vanguard, online banking customers are asked to select an image, like a dog or chess piece, that they will see


雅思阅读UNIT2Media 编辑整理: 尊敬的读者朋友们: 这里是精品文档编辑中心,本文档内容是由我和我的同事精心编辑整理后发布的,发布之前我们对文中内容进行仔细校对,但是难免会有疏漏的地方,但是任然希望(雅思阅读UNIT2Media)的内容能够给您的工作和学习带来便利。同时也真诚的希望收到您的建议和反馈,这将是我们进步的源泉,前进的动力。 本文可编辑可修改,如果觉得对您有帮助请收藏以便随时查阅,最后祝您生活愉快业绩进步,以下为雅思阅读UNIT2Media的全部内容。

UNIT 2 Media W a r m u p-T h i n k i n g a b o u t t h e T o p i c Look at the three images. 1 Where would you find creatures like these? Have you seen any of these creatures or similar creatures before? 1Talk about them with your partner: a. Do any of them look like real people? b. How were these creatures made? c. Think of some words to describe each picture. 2Now, work together with a partner to make some sentences about the images. Speak, do not write. "They all have ..。”They look ..。


雅思阅读真题 2021年雅思阅读:True False Not ven reading questions 20年雅思阅读:True False Not ven reading questions 【】轻松直达90分!20年雅思(IELTS)金牌课程火热开售中>> 题目是若干个陈述句,要求根据原文所给的信息,判断每个陈述句是对(Ture)、错(False)、还是未提及(Not ven)。 这种题型的难度在于,在对和错之外还有第三种状态:未提及。很多同学难以区分“错”和“未提及”。 解题步骤 STEP 1:定位,找出 题目在原文中的出处。 STEP 2:判断,根据下列原则和规律,确定正确答案。 What is the difference between False and Not ven? FALSE题的特征 1.数字精确性 2.肯定与否定 3.多与唯一 4.可能性与绝对性 NOT VEN题的特征 1. 题目内容在原文完全未提到 2. 题目内容在原文部分未提到 3.原文及 题目只提到单一事物或者是状态的only题

4. 题目就事物的本质进行是非判断,而原文为第三者对该事物的评述或感知 5.原文提到两个事物,但是没有在同一段落内表述,而 题目涉及两者的关系 6.两个事物在 题目中是比较关系,而原文只提到其中任何一部分 7.原文有发誓、决心、许诺、目的等表示状态的限定词,而 题目去掉以上的限定成分 8.其他情况 IELTS true false not ven reading questions: Practe UN warns over impact of rapidly ageing populations The world needs to do more to prepare for the impact of a rapidly ageing population, the UN has warned - partularly in developing countries.Within 10 years the number of people aged over 60 will pass one billion, a report by the UN Population Fund said.The demograph shift will present huge challenges to countries" welfare, pension and healthcare systems.The UN agency also said more had to be done to tackle "abuse, neglect and violence against older persons". The number of older people worldwide is grog faster than any other age group.The report, Ageing in the 21st Century: A Celebration and a Challenge, estimates that one in nine people around the world are older than 60.The elderly population is epected to swell by 20 million in the decade to surpass one billion, and reach two billion by 2050.This rising proportion of older people is a consequence of success - improved nutrition, sanitation, healthcare, education and econom well-being are contributing factors, the report says. But the UN and a charity that also contributed to the report, HelpAge International, say the ageing population is being widely


2021年雅思真题答案 雅思是全球首创从听、说、读、写四方面进行英语能力全面考核的国际考试,按照用途有雅思考试、用于英国签证及移民的雅思考试、雅思生活技能类考试三种。下面给大家带来雅思真题考试答案,希望对你们有所帮助。 2021年3月27日雅思考试真题答案 听力部分 Part 1 预订酒店 题型:填空 1. garden lounge 2. room available: double room 3. basic price: 10.25 dollars 4. gym: adults only 5. include salads 6. all prices include coffee 7. name: Mandy Stannington 8. sunset lounge 9. check out time: 1.30 10. telephone number: 945215733 Part 2 旅游-海豹

题型: 匹配+填空 待回忆 Part 3 presentation讨论 题型:匹配+填空+多选 21-24 匹配 21. Assignment introduction: C. fully prepared 22. body structure: D. use existing overview version 23. methods technology: B too long 24. conclusion: A. need more examples 25-27 填空 25. woman wants to set a listening task for presentation 26. man: speakers can be divided to discuss as a group 27. practice taking notes 28-30 多选 28-30. What should be put emphasis on presentation’s conclusion? C. chatting room E. improve computer skills G. global access

雅思考试 2021年2月6日雅思考试回忆及解析

2021年2月6日雅思考试回忆及解析听力 Part 1 主题:Renting An Appartment 题型及数量:10填空 1.1300 2.wood 3. card 4.待回忆 5.bike 6.electric 7.Kerridge 8.7:40 9.library 10.park Part 2 主题:Restaurant 题型及数量:5选择+5匹配 11-15)选择 11.A 12.B 13.C 14.B 15.C 16-20)匹配

16.F 17.E 18.A 19.G 20. D Part 3 主题:机器人比赛题型及数量:5填空(顺序可能打乱)+待回忆21-26)填空 21.seedbed 22.box 23.loading system 24.fence 25.collect balls 26.待回忆 27-30) 待回忆 Part 4 主题: Elephant 题型及数量:10填空 31-40) completions 31.mothers https://www.360docs.net/doc/a219218809.html,yers 33.rope 34.rain

35. bones 36. weight 37. walk 38. danger 39. wild 40. sensitive 阅读 文章题Passage 目:1 水獭 Otter 题型及数量:段落信息包含*8+简答*5 题目及答案: 1.B 2.A 3.B 4.F 5.C 6.E 7.G 8.G 9.A 10.saltwater 11.webbing/swimming speed 12.coastal otters 13.moles

文章题Passage 目:2可替代能源研究题型及数量:待补充题目及答案:待补充 可参考真题:剑 9—— Test3 Passage2 潮汐发电。 文章题Passage 目:3 欺骗题型及数量:选择*5+填空*5+判断*4 题目及答案: 27-31)选择待回忆 32-36)填空 32. false relief 33. crimes 34. research 35. justice 36. acting 37-40)判断 37. NOT GIVEN 38. NO 39. NOT GIVEN 40. YES 写作 小作文:柱状图 题目:Population growth,birth and death rate in England and Welsh 大作文 题目:It has become easier and more affordable for people to visit other countries. Is it a positive or negative development?


2021.5.5雅思真题内容+答案(附高分范文):2021年6月 30日雅思真题回忆 烤鸭们还好吗(认真脸) 据说这次的考试很不一般啊 新季度大换血!就问你颤抖了没? 别害怕! 跟着满分帝 一起回忆一下吧~ 考试概述 本场听力出现了一部分的新题,其他三个部分都是旧题。考试填空题居多,占24道。 Section 1 音乐课程介绍,3选择,3匹配,4填空 Section 2 摄影比赛展览,10填空 Section 3 实地考察前准备,4单选,6多选 Section 4 北非游牧民族的起源和生活方式,10填空 题目分析 Section 1 场景:音乐课程介绍 题型:3选择,3匹配,4填空 1-3) Multiple Choice

1. The teacher praise student Emma for B set examples to others 2. Why did the course need to change time B size of the classroom 3. New class begins at 4.45 pm 4-6) Matching 4. Dance class A. the course is full 5. Singing class D. she has another activity at that evening 6. Vocal class B. the course fee is too expensive 7-10) Completion 7. Teach children to play instruments and to write music 8. Course fee: $ 85 9. Emma can start at 14 September 10. Teacher: Jamal Curtis Section 2 场景:摄影比赛展览 题型:10填空 11-13) Sentence Completion 11. What is it called in international program: Open Gallery 12. What is the theme of this new competition: on the street 13. In theatre foyer

2021年雅思考试模拟试卷二 附答案

Test 1 LISTENING SECTION 1 Questions 1-10 Questions 1-5 Complete the notes below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer. Transport from Airport to Milton Example Answer Distance: ............ 147 _____ miles Options: •Car hire ■don't want to drive -expensive •Greyhound bus -$15 single, $27. 50 return -direct to the 2 .............................. -long 3 .............................. •Airport Shuttle -4 ................................. service -every 2 hours -$35 single, $65 return -need to 5 ................................. Questions 6-10 Complete the booking form below. Write ONE WORD ANDIOR A NUMBER for each answer. AIRPORT SHUTTLE BOOKING FORM To:Milton Date: 6 ......................... No. of passengers:One Bus Time:7 ........................ pm Type of ticket:Single Name:Janet 8 ................................. Flight No:9 ........................................ From: London Heathrow Address in Milton:Vacation Motel, 24, Kitchener Street Fare:$35 Credit Card No:(Visa) 10 ............................. SECTION 2 Questions 11-20 Questions 11-16 Choose the correct letter, A, B or C. 11PS Camping has been organising holidays for A years.


国外英语考试:2021雅思(IELTS)真题模 拟及答案(2) 1、During summer vacation ______.(单选题) A. all institutional housing facilities close down. B. additional living costs are involved. C. university canteens remain open. D. monthly living expenses decrease. 试题答案:B 2、南京中山陵为()。(多选题) A. 西式建筑 B. 民族形式建筑 C. 中西结合式建筑 D. 日式建筑 试题答案:B 3、根据明清的科举考试制度,乡试一般每三年一次,在各省省城举行,经乡试合格而取中者称为()。(多选题) A. 秀才 B. 贡士 C. 举人 D. 解元 试题答案:C 4、Credit unions on campus ______.(单选题) A. are open 24 hours a day.

B. provide the usual financial services offered by banks. C. deduct fees for normal transactions. D. are open on public holidays. 试题答案:B 5、因为土地是国家的根本,所以皇帝每年夏至日必须亲自或派人到()的地坛去祭地。(多选题) A. 京城南郊 B. 京城西郊 C. 京城北郊 D. 京城东郊 试题答案:C 6、In the conversion of the soil at the Hallside site, ______.(单选题) A. two types of worms are being used. B. three types of worms are being used. C. many types of worms are being used. D. thousands of different types of worms are being used. 试题答案:A 7、引渭水作长池并在池中筑蓬莱山以象征神山仙境的上林苑是由()下令修建的。(多选题) A. 汉武帝 B. 唐太宗 C. 秦始皇 D. 康熙皇帝 试题答案:C 8、下列少数民族中,至今仍保留着走婚制的是()。(多选题)


2022年初级会计师《会计实务》考试真题及答案(8月2日上午) [单选题]甲公司为增值税一般纳税人, 2021年2月2日购入需安装的生产用机器设备一台,支付价款100万元,增值税税额为13万元。安装过程中领用本公司自产产品- -批, 该批产品成本为5万元,公允价值为8万元。2021 年2月22日安装结束,固定资产达到预定可使用状态。则该固定资产的入账金额为( )万元。 A、121 B、108 C、105 D、118 正确答案: C 文字解析:固定资产安装后的入账金额= 100+5=105 (万元),安装领用本公司自产产品不需确认增值税销项税额,按成本领用即可。 [单选题] 某公司为增值税一般纳税人,2019年7月5日购入一台需要安装的机器设备,增值税专用发票注明的价款为600万元,增值税78万元,以上款项以支票支付。安装过程中领用本公司原材料80万元,该设备2019年8月8日达到预定可使用状态并交付车间使用。该固定资产预计使用5年,预计净残值率为5%,同时对该固定资产采用年数总和法计提折旧,则2020年应当计提的折旧额为( )万元。 A、215.33 B、172.26

C、200.97 D、196.45 正确答案: ( 文字解析: 固定资产的入账价值=600+80=680(万元);固定资产应当在2019年9月开始计提折旧。第一个折旧年度[2019.9.1-2020.8.31] 应计提的折旧额=680<(1-5%)x5+15=215.33(万元)。 第二个折旧年度[2020.9.1-2021.8.31] 应计提的折旧额=680<(1-5%)x4+15-172.27(万元)。 2020年应当计提的折旧额=215.33*8+12+172.27x4+12=200.97(万元)。 [多选题]下列各项关于合同履约成本的表述错误的有( )。 A、非正常消耗的直接材料、直接人工和制造费用应计入合同履约成本 B、行政管理部门的管理费用支出应计入合同履约成本 C、“合同履约成本”科目借方登记摊销的合同履约成本 D、“合同履约成本”科目期末借方余额,反映企业尚未结转的合同履约成本 正确答案: ABC 文字解析: 选项AB不属于履行合同的直接相关支出,所以不能计入合同履约成本; 选项C“合同履约成本”科目,借方登记发生的合同履约成本,贷方登记摊销的合同履约成本。 [单选题]

2021年雅思考试模拟试卷六 附答案

Cambridge University Press ww. Cambridge .org/elt Cambridge English Language Assessment https://www.360docs.net/doc/a219218809.html, Information on this title: https://www.360docs.net/doc/a219218809.html,/9781316637821 ©Cambridge University Press and UCLES 2017 It is normally necessary fbr written permission for copying to be obtained in advance form a publisher. The sample answer sheets at the back of this book are designed to be copied and distributed in class. The normal requirements are waived here and it is not necessary to write to Cambridge University Press fbr permission fbr an individual teacher to make copies fbr use within his or her own classroom. Only those pages that carry the wording '©UCLES 2017 Photocopiable9 may be copied. First published 2017 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 109 8 7 6 5 43 2 1 Printed in China by CNPIEC Beijing Congreat Printing Co., Ltd. A catalogue record for this publication is available from the British Library ISBN 978-1-108-40966-7 Academic Student" s Book with answers with Audio New oriental School China reprint edition ISBN 978-1-108-40963-6 Academic Student" s Book with answers with Audio China reprint edition ISBN 978-1-316-63782-1 Academic Student" s Book with answers ISBN 978-1-316-63786-9 Academic Student" s Book with answers with Audio ISBN 978-1-108-40972-8 General Training Student' s Book answers with Audio China reprint edition ISBN 978-1-316-63783-8 Academic Student? s Book with answers ISBN 978-1-316-63787-6 Academic Student? s Book with answers with Audio ISBN 978-1-316-63784-5 Audio CDs (2) The publishers have no reponsibility fbr the persistence or accuracy of URLs fbr external or third-party internet websites referred to in this publication, and do not guarantee that any content on such websites is, or will remain, accurate or appropriate. Information regarding prices, travel timetables, and other factual information given in this work is correct at the time of first printing but the publishers do not guarantee the accuracy of such information thereafter. Contents Introduction Test 5 Test 6 Test 7 Test 8 Audioscripts Listening and Reading Answer Keys Sample answers for Writing tasks Sample answer sheets 4 10 30 53 74 95 116 124 132


2021年雅思考试阅读解析及答案(2) 雅思阅读解析及答案:金星凌日 文章标题金星凌日Transit of venus ★★★★文章大意讲测试太阳距离的发展过程。4个古代西方科学家关于VENUS TRANSIT的就是通过看行星的TRANSIT侧距离那些的地球到太阳什么的。题目类型Matching(人名对应)T/F/NG参考答案Matching文中段落提及题。有一题说是因为某个event导致没有观测成一次transit,是在某段一个叫GouXX Li..的在准备第二次在菲律宾观测的时候最后关键时刻来了片云,挡住了。有一题是说transit principle被applied的sample.是倒数第二或第三段,文中有出了那个理论后,后人怎样怎样测量用不同方法有一题是这个理论用于测星距,好象是最后一段,,记不住。也好象是倒数第二段T/F/NG有一题NG,说versue shape发生变化当在太阳前开始穿越的时候(原文中说由于光线的holo作用,versus looks smearly distortion, ....begin to pass the sun. (个人以为一是形状是不是变化了不知道,二是是不是在in front of the sun 在太阳前还是太阳后穿越不知道,文中只是说begin to pass the sun.而且反复看了上下文几次)有一题说是某个人观测到了了transit of versus,事实上原文是说这个人观测到了另外一个行量。(FALSE)有一题transit principle 后来被用于测量到地求的距离(T)。(开始写NG,最终还是决定写T,因为文说的测量不知道是测的是星星之间的距离呢比如几光年。。。还是这个星星到地球距离,最终决定应该是到地球距离,全凭常识和感觉

雅思考试 2021年2月27日雅思考试回忆及解析附范文

2021年2月27日雅思考试回忆及解析 听力 本场考试难度一般,4篇题目都为旧题。P1考查咨询,也是听力中最常出现的一种题型,剑桥雅思中也有很多类似的场景,考查2道基本功的题目,其余答案词都较为简单,考生要注意单复数;P2为租用自行车场景,考查了流程匹配题和地图题,考生务必熟悉方位词表达;P3为学术场景,题型为单选和匹配,注意同义替换和干扰项;P4为生物场景,最近几场考试考查生物场景的比例高,答案词不难,注意听前预测词性和内容。 Part 1 新题/旧题:旧题场景:咨询场景主题:儿童托管中心报名题型及数量:10填空 1-4) Completions 1Place of work: the hospital 2Other people who pick up the children: their uncle 3Which day(s) child care is required: Thursday 4 Fee will be paid: on every week 5-10) Table completions 5大女儿 daughter L 年龄:age of 9 6小女儿daughter A’s diet: allergic to eggs 7And the son doesn’t eat fruits 8Son likes the giving the gift of a book 9Daughters would choose the classes of dancing

10Son would choose the classes playing tennis 考点:基本功 可参考真题:C13Test1Section1, C8Test3Section1, C9Test2Section1 Part 2 新题/旧题:旧题场景:咨询场景主题:租用自行车的说明题型及数量:5流程匹配+5地图 11-15)Matching 流程配对 How to rent a bicycle in the city List of choices A helmet B lights C screen D keyboard E button F locker Citywide schemes 11Go to station, and touch in the screen 12You input the password number button and 13Ease the locker 14Put on helmet before setting off After usage, put the bike back in the rack 15When lights on
