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hot _______ _______ different_______ ________ good______ ______ beautiful_______ _______ well______ ________ interesting______ ________

wet________ ________ honest_______ _______ red________ __________ famous_______ ________ cool________ _______ fast_______ __________

ugly_______ _________ exciting_______ ________ pretty_______ __________ slowly_______ _________ little________ ________ tired_______ __________ many_______ _________ happily______ ________ heavy______ _________ early________ _________ often_______ ________ hard-working_______ ________


1.I am ________(stong) than you.

2.He did________(much) work than his brother.

3.The sun is __________(big) than any star.

4.Chongqing is________(large) city in China,

5.Potala Palace is________(high) palace in the world.

6.The Changjiang River is _________(long) river in China.

7.I am _______(fat) than you.

8.He is________(tall)boy in the class.

9.Book 12 is __________(difficult) of the four.

10.Shanghai is one of_______________(beautiful)cities in China.

11.He is_______________(happy) boy in the family.

12.Can you tell me what is _________________(heavy)bird in the world?

13.Giraffe is ________________(beautiful) animal on the land.

14.Who is____________(young) in your class?

15.Do you want to be______________(clever) person in the world?

16.Sam is one of___________(lazy) boys in the class.

17.The wind is_________(loud) than yesterday.

18.I go to Shenzhen________(often) than David.

19.Kate won________(many) medals than Billy.

20.Sue studies _________(well) than any students.


1.After school students go home___________(happy, happily).

2.I can’t hear what you say. Please say it__________(loudly, loud).

3.He can sing a song ________(well, good)

4.Please be________(quiet, quietly) . It’s time for class.

5.I am too old. I can run_________(slow, slowly)

6.It rains again. The plants grow _________(quick, quickly)

7. We should eat_________(food). So we can have ________bodies(heath,healthly)

8.The naughty boys are shouting. So the teacher is__________.He leaves_________(angrily, angry)

9.Be_________.The bus is coming .(careful, carefully)

10.When you walk across the street, you must look at the traffic lights_________(careful,careful)
