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Application Of Optimization Method In Well Test Analysis Of

Low Permeability Gas Reservoir

(College of Postgraduate, Liaoning Technical University, Huludao 125000, Liaoning, China) Abstract : Either in theory or in practice have proved that the well test curve of low permeability gas reservoirs semi-logarithmic relationship to the upturned "concave" curve, and result in low permeability gas reservoir well testing abnormal curve of the main reasonsis the wellbore the freewheeling effects and skin effect the presence of very low gas reservoir permeability, and other factors.Existing conventional well test interpretation methods and modern well test analysis methods such abnormal curve of well test this can not handle this end, this paper, using a combination of optimization methods and numerical simulation to explain this kind of well test curve,and by more than a pretext for logging data analysis showed that the method is feasible. Key words :Gas reservoir, optimization method

0 引言



1 基本公式








3.61()g g PC b p p p r r r Z r K Z t

φμ∂+∂∂=∂∂∞∂ (1)

00(,)|t P r t P == (2)

0(,)||0e e r r dp P r t P dt

==或 (3) s wa w r r e -= (4)

32()(1.83410 4.42310)/[()]gWB WB SC SC WB WB wa g SC W sc sc SC WB WB t

C P T Z V dp p r r Q ZP T R h b p Z T r P T Z d μ--∂=⨯+⨯⨯⨯∞+∂ (5)



ln(/)wa u r r = (6)


g b p Z

λμ+= (7) 3.6/g T PC K Z φ=∞ (8)



p p Te u u t

λ∂∂∂=∂∂∂ (9) 在u 坐标下,…对(9)式采用点中心的等距网格隐式差分,差分整理后,得


11111111222()n i u n n n n i i i i i n n

T u e p t t λλλ+-∆++++---++∆+---⨯-122(1)1


11112(1,2,...,;1,2,...,)n i u n n n n i i i i T i n n

T u e p p P i N n N t t λ+-∆+++-++∆+=-⨯==- (10) 外边界条件(3)式和内边界条件(5)式采用直接差分,则有

1110+1-1=n n n N N N p p p p +++=或 (11)

1111121121--n n n n n n i i n n

p p p p K K u t t ++++++=+∆- (12) 其中

31 1.83410()g SC W

sc sc Q ZP T K K h b p Z T μ-⨯=∞+ (13)

22 4.42310()Wb gWb Wb g W Wb Wb V C P ZT K K h b p T Z μ-⨯=∞+ (14)

差分方程(10)、(11)、(12)式组成了N 个未知数的代数方程组,各未知数前
