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情态动词表示说话人的语气和情态。如需要、可能、愿意、怀疑等。情态动词有一定的词义,但不完整,必须和主要动词的原型一起构成谓语。常用的情态动词有:can, could, may, might, must, have to, ought to, need, dare, shall, will, should, would, be able to,及半情态动词be to do, had better等。




I can go there now.


(2)can与be able to的区别:


No one can / is able to do it.

② be able to常侧重经过努力有能力做到,有多种时态。can侧重自身的能力,只有一般现在时和一般过去时。

③ was / were able to do表示通过努力克服困难或在一定的条件下成功地做了某事,侧重结果,相当于managed to do或succeeded in doing...。could仅表自身的能力或本领,但未必成功做到。

With the help of the firemen, they were able to leave the burning house.

He was able to swim across the river.

In the end, we were able to rescue the workers trapped in the fire.

2.表示“许可,允许”。在疑问句中表示请求,许可;否定句中表示“不许”。此时常与may 通用:

May/Can I do it?

This sort of thing can't go on! 这类事情不能再继续了!

can not有时可以表示“禁止”相当于mustn't:

You can't(mustn't,are not allowed to)play football in the street.你不可以在大街上踢球。


Who can he be?

She can't be waiting for you.

He can't have gone there alone.


How can it be that he was late for the opening ceremony?


Can it be late? 会不会晚了?



He said he could go.

2. could用于一般现在时中表委婉、客气地提出问题或陈述看法。(此时不是can的过去式,要用can回答以显得爽快。此时can和could没有时间的差别,只是could语气更客气些。)

-Could I borrow your pen?

- Yes, you can.

(三)may, might (may的过去式为might)

1.表示许可,有“可以”的意思,询问或说明一件事可不可以做,有时可以用can互换。You may go now.

否定式may not表示“不可以、禁止、阻止”等,常用must not(=mustn't)代替。may 用于疑问句中时,回答多避免用may,以免显得太严肃或不客气。

-May I watch TV tonight?

-Yes, you can.(No, you mustn't/you'd better not)

-May I smoke here?

-Yes, please.(No, please don't.)


It may rain tomorrow.

3. may可以表祝愿,一般放在句首构成倒装句式:

May you succeed! =I hope you may succeed.祝您成功!

May that day come soon! 希望这一天早日来到!

May you be happy, healthy and wealthy! 祝你快乐,健康,富有。

4. might是may的过去式,表可以做的事或可能发生的事。

She suggested a few books which I might buy.

5. might用于一般现在时比may委婉,或表示现实的可能性更小一些。

He might come soon.

I wonder if I might borrow some coffee?

6. may (just) as well, might as well.“不妨…”(可以用来提出建议)。它们比had better 显得谦逊或不那么有把握,所以had better通常是不用于长者或上司的。同时,had better

有时带有威胁口吻。(may well为“完全能;满可以;很可能”,表示有可能或有充分理由做某事。well是may的程度副词)

I needn't wait; I may as well tell you now. 我不必等,我不妨现在就告诉你。

Since it's a fine day, we might as well walk. 既然是好天气,我们一不妨走走。

You may well say so. 你完全有理由这么说。

It may well be that the question is still under discussion.



1.表示必须要做的事,意为“必须”,否定式mustn't表示不准、不许、禁止等。在回答带有must的问句时,不用mustn't,而用needn't或don't have to。

I must go now.

We mustn't waste our time.

Must I go home? No,you needn't. / Yes, you must.

must在表“必须”时与have to相近,have to强调客观需要,must着重主观看法。另外must不像have to能有更多的时态。

You must be back by ten.(命令或叮嘱)

You have to be back by ten.(客观需要)


He must be over sixty. There must be a mistake.


The car must break down just when we were about to start off.


Must you shout so loudly? 你干嘛这么大声喊?



You shall have my answer tomorrow. (允诺)

You shall be sorry for it one day, I tell you. (警告)

You shall do as I tell you. (命令或吩咐)

We shall go, whatever may happen. (决心)
