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Unit 1

1. T ranslate the following sentences into English.

1) 大家认为有必要对青年学生进行传统教育。

It is considered necessary to give the young students traditional education.

2) 我认为放弃这个面试的机会太遗憾了。

I consider it a great pity to give up the chance of the interview.

2. T ranslate the following sentences into English.

1) 我们每个人都必须遵守这个重要的决定。

Everyone of us ought to abide by this important decision.

2) 不管做什么事,都应遵循科学规律。

Whatever you do, you should abide by scientific laws.

3. T ranslate the following sentences into English.

1) 他不再像以前那个样子了。

He is not what he used to be.

2) 以前中国人见面时,通常相互鞠躬致意。

Chinese used to bow to greet each other when they met.

4. T ranslate the following sentences into English.

1) 朋友之间往往只用“嗨”来打招呼。

Friends tend to say “Hi” as a greeting to each other.

2) 书信有可能被电子邮件所替代。

Written letters tend to be replaced by E-mails.

5. T ranslate the following sentences into English.

be / get used to sth. / doing sth.

1) 他已经非常不习惯没有网络的生活。

He hasn’t been quite used to the life without network.

2) 我不习惯在大庭广众之下被人表扬。

I am not used to being praised in public.

rather than / rather ... than ...

1) 我愿意工作而不是闲着。

I prefer to work rather than remain idle.

2) 与其说这是谈话,不如说是演讲。

It may be called a lecture rather than a talk.

6. T ranslate the following sentences into English.

1) 虽然新来的经理很有才能(talented),但是,他也无法应付公司严峻的局面(situation)。

Talented as the new manager is, he is not able to deal with the tough situation of the company.

2) 虽然他只是一名中学生,但他昨天的演讲超越了大学生。

Middle school student as he was, his speech yesterday was superior to a college student’s. 7. T ranslate the following sentences into English.

1) 老师总是强调学好英语的重要性。

The teacher always insists on the importance of learning English well.

2) 我们提出帮助他,他谢绝了。他坚持依靠自己。

We offered to help him but he refused. He insisted on self-reliance.

Unit 2

1. T ranslate the following sentences into English.

1) 跑步被认为是最方便最容易的锻炼方式。

Running is regarded as the easiest and most convenient way to exercise.

2) Bill Gates被公认为IT行业的首富。

Bill Gates is regarded as the richest man in IT world.

2. T ranslate the following sentences into English.

1) 我想在业余时间学画画。

I want to take up drawing as a hobby in my spare time.

2) 他已把摄影作为他的业余爱好。

He has already taken up photography as his hobby.

3. T ranslate the following sentences into English.

1) 哥伦布是第一个发现美洲大陆的人。

Columbus was the first to discover the American Continent.

2) 我们学校第一批下海(go in for business) 的老师现在都已回到学校重新执起了教鞭

(return to the teaching post)。

The teachers who were the first to go in for business have all returned to the teaching posts.

4. T ranslate the following sentences into English.

1) White小姐只要在家总是把一切安排得井井有条。

Miss White always keeps everything in good order while she is at home.

2) 花瓶(vase) 里必须一直灌满水,否则,瓶中的花会枯萎(wither away)的。

The vase must be kept filled with water, or the flowers in it would wither away.

5. T ranslate the following sentences into English.

1) 条条大路通罗马。

All roads lead to Rome.

2) 他的讲话在学生中引起了很大的混乱。

His speech led to great confusion among the students.

6. T ranslate the following sentences into English.

1) 音乐为我们助兴。

Music adds to our enjoyment.

2) 校园内到处飘扬的彩旗增添了节日气氛。

The colorful flags waving on campus added to the festive atmosphere.

7. T ranslate the following sentences into English.

1) 市博物馆收藏了一批中国名画家的画。

The municipal museum has made a collection of pictures by the famous Chinese painters.

2) 一堆旧书把我的两个书架都占满了。

A collection of old books occupied two bookshelves of mine.

8. T ranslate the following sentences into English.

1) 玛丽觉得逗弄(tease)她的宠物很有趣。

Mary found pleasure in teasing her pets.

2) 学生们觉得做这些练习一点乐趣也没有。

The students found no pleasure in doing these exercises.

Unit 3

1. T ranslate the following sentences into English.
