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Combination machine tools and automatic line is a comprehensive collection and integration of high degree of automation in the manufacturing technology and process equipment packages. It is characterized by highly efficient, high quality, economical and practical, they have been widely used for mechanical engineering, communications, energy, industry, light industry, and home electrical appliances industry. Our traditional combination machine tools and machine tool portfolio automatically routes primarily use machines, electricity, gas, hydraulic control, and its processing is targeted at the production lot larger-and medium-bold type and Zhou Lei parts and complete drilling, reaming, cut Kong, the processing of thread, boring, cars carry noodles and protrude Taiwan in Conedera smooth-bore various shapes shafts and horizontal Xianxiao and shape face. As technology advances, a new portfolio of machine tools -- soft combination machine tools increasingly been favored, it applied a line box, convertible main boxes, coding and cutlery accompanying jig automatic replacement, coupled with

programmable controller (PLC), numerical control (NC), to arbitrarily change the work cycle control and drive systems, and the flexibility to adapt to the multi-species processing scale variable portfolio tools.

This article mainly introduces the design thought of PLC applying for Modular Machine Tool electronic control system. It gives a detailed statement on the components of the system hardware and design of software.

Key words: PLC; Modular Machine Tool;STL。



1.1 课题背景

我国加入WTO以后,制造业所面临的机遇与挑战并存。组合机床行业企业适时调整战略,采取了积极的应对策略,出现了产、销两旺的良好势头,截至2002年9月份,组合机床行业企业仅组合机床产品一项,据不完全统计产量已达800余台,产值达3个亿以上,较2001年同比增长了10%以上, 另外组合机床行业工业增加值、产品销售率、全员工资总额、出口交货值等经济指标均有不同程度的增长,新产品、新技术较上年均有大幅度提高,可见行业企业运营状况良好。组合机床及其PLC电气控制系统是集机电于一体的综合自动化程度较高的制造技术和成套工艺装备。它的特征是高效、高质、经济实用,因而被广泛应用于工程机械、交通、能源、军工、轻工、家电等行业。我国传统的组合机床及组合机床电气控制系统主要采用机、电、气、液压控制,它的加工对象主要是生产批量比较大的大中型箱体类和轴类零件(近年研制的组合机床加工连杆、板件等也占一定份额),完成钻孔、扩孔、铰孔,加工各种螺纹、镗孔、车端面和凸台,在孔内镗各种形状槽,以及铣削平面和成形面等。组合机床的分类繁多,有大型组合机床和小型组合机床,有单面、双面、三面、卧式、立式、倾斜式、复合式,还有多工位回转台式组合机床等;随着技术的不断进步,一种新型的组合机床——柔性组合机床越来越受到人们的青
