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1. Would you mind ____quick for a moment? I’m trying ___a form.

a.keeping ;filling out

b. to keep ;to fill out

c. keeping ;to fill out

d. to keep ;filling out

2.When Joyce was told the whole story ,she ___in the film.

a.ceased intrest

b. ceased being interested

c. ceased interested

d. ceased to intrest

3.Nover stop____the laws which control the development of things.

a.to look for

b.to look for

c.looking for

d.looking for

4.”Do you feel like ___out or would you rather have dinner at home ”


b.to dine


d. to have

5.”Do you feel like ___there or shall we take a bus ?”

“I’d like to walk .But since there isn’t much time left,I’d rather you ___a taxi.”

a.walking ;hire

b.to walk ;hire

c.to walk; to hire

d.walking ;hired

6.Your flat needs ___.Would you like me ____it for you ?

a.to clean; to do

b.cleaning ;doing

c.cleaning;to do

d.to be cleaned ;doing

7.The room needs ___before we move in.



c.being cleaned

d. to clean

8.I don’t allow ___in my drawing-room.I don’t allow my family ___at all.

a.to smoke; smoking

b. smoking; to smoke

c. to smoke; to smoke

d. smoking ; smoking

9.They don’t allow___in the ayditorium ;they don’t want to risk____it on fire.

a.to be smoking ;to set

b. to smoke ;being seted

c. smoking ; setting d to be smoking ;being set

10.I remember ____for the job,but I forget the exact amount.

a. to be paid

b.that Ireceive pay

c.get paid

d.being paid

11.John admitted htat it’s always difficult_____.

a.for him being on time

b.for him to be on time

c.being on time for him

d.on time for him

12.The police accused him of setting fire to the apartment but he denied___the area on the night of the


a.have been

b.to be

c.to have been

d.having been

13.They daren’t ask the question because they are afraid______

a. of laughing at

b. to be laughed

c. of being laughed at

d. being laughed at

14.The experiment cannot be carried out because of____.

a.the equipment is destroyed

b. the equipment to be destroyed

c. the equipment being destroyed

d. the equipment has been destroyed

15.We were overjoyed at the news of China ____another man-made satellite.

a.to have lauched

b.to launch


d.having launched

16.Take care ____cold.

a.not to have caught

b.not having caught

c.not to caught

d.not catching
