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1. accurate a. 正确无误的,精确的

Is your watch accurate or not? 你的手表准不准?

I have to hand in an accurate report of what happened early tomorrow morning.


2. adapt v. 修改,改编, 使适合

Her husband adapted an old tractor motor to his boat.


This novel has been adapted for TV from Korean.这本小说已经由韩语改编为电视节目。

3. adult n. 成年人

This is a game designed for adults only.这是个只为成年人设计的游戏。She can't wait to become an adult.她急于长大成人。

4. advantage n. ①优点②好处

①Will you make lists of the advantages and the disadvantages?


What are the advantages of the electric light? 电灯的优点有哪些?

②It would be to your advantage to get experience in working abroad. 你要是有去国外工作的经历将使你受益非浅。

Your good knowledge of English gave you advantage over the others.


5. agent n. 代理人,经纪人

You'd better not believe that insurance agent.你最好别相信那个保险经纪人的话。

You can ask our agents in the Middle East for further information. 要了解更多详情你可以联系我们在中东的代理人。

6. aid n. ①援助②救护③辅助器具

①The villagers have lived on government aid for years.村民们已经靠政府救助好几年了。

Nobody came to her aid when she was in trouble.她身陷困境但无人施援。

②First aid, if given in time, can save a person's life.


The students have been taught to know first aid.学生们被教会了急救。

③The girl needs a hearing-aid.女孩需要一副助听器。

The patients have to breathe with the aid of oxygen masks.病人们必须借助氧气面罩呼吸。

v. 援助, 帮助

Our professor encouraged and aided us in our scientific research work. 我们教授鼓励和帮助我们进行科学研究。

Aided by a passer-by, she managed to walk to the police station.


7. apply v. 申请

I suggest you apply immediately in person.我建议你马上亲自前去申请。Anybody can apply for Internet services through the telephone office. 任何人都可以通过电话局申请互联网服务。

8. appointment n. 约会

What time is your doctor's appointment? 你与医生的预约定在几点?Please remind me of the appointment with the project manager.


9. atmosphere n. ①大气②气氛

① Something must be done to stop polluting the atmosphere of our earth. 必须采取行动来制止污染我们地球的大气层。

The spaceship crashed when it went through the atmosphere.


② The atmosphere in the meeting room changed as soon as she walked in. 她一走进去会议室的气氛就变了。

The atmosphere over our dinner was warm and friendly.我们用餐时的气氛热情友好。

10. attach v. 附上,使隶属

The map is attached to the wall by a nail.地图被用钉子固定在墙上。Are you studying at a middle school attached to Beijing University ?


11. audience n. 观众,听众

Her speech drew a large audience.她的演讲吸引了很多听众。

The singer called for a member of the audience to join him on stage. 歌手请一位观众上台跟他一起表演。
