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一、基数词和序数词(cardinal and ordinal numbers): 基数词表示数目,序数词表示顺序。

1. 基数词

(1)1-12 特殊记; 13-19 要加-teen;几十-ty做结尾;几十几更易记。

(2)注意13 thirteen, 15 fifteen, 18 eighteen, 20 twenty, 30 thirty, 40 forty, 50 fifty的书写。(3)hundred 百, thousand 千,million 百万, billion十亿的用法相似 e.g.

Hundred: one/ two/several hundred;hundreds of …成百上千…

2. 序数词:


二、三特数记;八去t,九去e;-ve要用-f替;单词-ty做结尾,变-y为i,再加-eth. (2)注意 1 first, 2second , 3third, 5 fifth, 8 eighth, 9 ninth的拼写。



分子用基数词表示,分母用序数词表示,中间的连字号可用不可用。当分子大于1时,作分母的序数词用复数形式。 e.g.

二分之一a/one-half 三分之一a/one third

四分之一a/one-fourth 二又五分之一two and one-fifth



小数点中的零读作zero, nought或o/??/ e.g.

.3 point three 7.145 seven point one four five

36.36 thirty-six point three six

3. 百分数

百分数用基数词或小数与百分号两部分构成。 e.g.

20% twenty percent47% forty-seven percent

30.45% thirty point four five percent

三、日期和年份的表示(date and year)

on May 27 读作:On May (the) twenty-seventh

on 27th May 读作:On the twenty-seventh of May

in 1993 读作:in nineteen thirty-three

in 20ll 读作:in two thousand and eleven


7:15 读作seven fifteen / a quarter past seven

5:30 读作five thirty/half past five

6:55 读作six fifty-five /five(minutes) to seven

9:10 读作nine ten a.m.

at 8:00 读作at eight 或at eight o’clock


1. 基数词+表示年龄单位的词+old, 口语中常可省略years old. e.g. The girl is only three

(years old.)

2. age(名词或动词) She was then forty years of age. /she was then

aged forty(years).

“at the age of +基数词”表示“在…岁时”,通常作状语。e.g. Julie can swim at the age of eight.

3.“基数词-year-old”的复合形容词,意为“…岁的”,一般作定语修饰名词。 e.g.

Sandy is a six-year-old child.

4. in one’s +整十基数词的复数形式:这一结构表示“在某人几十多岁时“。 e.g.

My grandfathr died in his nineties.

teens 表示“十多岁”(13-19岁)。e.g.

The boy was in his teens. 这男孩只有十多岁。

He is not yet out of his teens. 他还不满20岁。

六、数学运算表达(Arithmetic Expressuib )

Add 3 and 9. 3 plus 9 equals/is 13

Subtract 3 from 9. 9 minus 3 equals/is 6.

Multiply 3 by 9. 3 multiplied by 9 equals/is 9

Divide 9 by 3 9 divided by 3 equals/is 3.

+plus(介词)/ -minus (介词) / ×multiplied(形容词性质的过去分词) / ÷divided (形容词性质的过去分词)

+add(动词)/ -subtract(动词) / ×multiply(动词) / ÷divide(动词)


1. 分数和百分数做主语时,谓语的单复数取决其后面of结构中的名


2. 基数词可以用在有连字符的合成形容词中,注意其中的名词前无冠词。 e.g.

a two-day holiday=two days’holiday

a ten-minute walk=ten minutes’walk


3. 在20世纪30年代:in the 1930s

在30年代:in the 30s

在某人30几岁时:in one’s thirties

4. 注意下面的不同表达方式:

Lesson Twelve = the Twelfth Lesson

Gate Five= The Fifth Gate

Class one/Grade(Two)two=the ninth grade/ page nine/ Room 401/Channel Eight

5. 序数词在表示地名时的用法:Fifth Avenue (序数词前无冠词)

6. 序数词用在奖项前面的用法:win first prize (序数词前无冠词)

7. 序数词表示在原来数字的基础上的“再、又”的用法:

I have had two cakes. I want to have a third one.

8. 一次:once两次:twice 三次: three times

9. 倍数的表达:

(1)“倍数+形容词/副词的比较级+than”表示“比??大几倍”e.g.This rope is three times longer than that one.


It is five times as big as Europe.

The poison of the killer bee is twice as dangerous as the poison of other bees.
