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Unit 3 All About You


Audio Track 1-3-1 / Audio Track 1-3-2

Ted: Hey, Mike. Whose trophies are these?

Mike: They bel ong to my pare nts and my brother and sister.

Ted: Really?

Mike: Yeah. My family loves sports.

Ted: I see. So, who plays basketball?

Mike: My brother Tim. He ' s great at it.

Ted: And your sister?

Mike: She ' s on the swimming team at school. She ' s alweyertroirnthg weeke nds.

Ted: What about your pare nts?

Mike: My dad plays tennis, and my mom plays golf.

Ted: And what about you, Mike? Do you play any sports?

Mike: Me? No, not really. I like to surf and ski, but just for fun.

Audio Track 1-3-3 A good athlete is hardworking. He or she practices for many hours before every game.

Athletes should also be competitive. They should always think about their team, and how to win. Good athletes are also in depe ndent. They practice alone, even whe n the coach isn ' t there. They are very careful about their health, and they don thin gs. And they are very serious about their sport —it is the most importa nt thing in their life!

Audio Track 1-3-4 / Audio Track 1-3-5

Dad: Ashley?

Ashley: Yeah, Dad! I ' m in my room. I ' m pack ing.

Dad: Hi, honey. I can ' t believe you ' re going to college!

Ashley: I know.

Dad: So, what do you want to study?

Ashley: Art.

Dad: Art?! Come on, Ashley. Be serious.

Ashley: I am serious, Dad.

Dad: I think you should study bus in ess so you can get a good job.

Ashley: Busin ess?!

Dad: Yes, you ' re a smart, orga ni zed young woma n. It t for you. ' s perfec Ashley: But, Dad … there ' s a lot I can do with an art degree. The bus in ess world is very competitive …

Dad: I don t know, Ashley …

s more in formatic Ashley: Come on Dad. Let ' s look at the uni versity website. There there.

Audio Track 1-3-6 / Audio Track 1-3-7

A: I in terviewed Sara Foxx. She likes sales, but wants to work part time.

B: Hmm …I spoke with Jas on Gray, and he wants to work at home but likes resp on sibility.

A: Does he want to work full time?

B: Yes, he does. How about Sara?

A: Well, she wants to work part time, but she pla ns to stay at the sales positi on for at

least two years. And she loves people.

B: What does she pla n to do in two years ' time?

A: She expects to go to grad school in the future, but she likes the job.

B: Jas on likes the job too. He wants to make a good salary and he loves to travel.

A: Well, Sara hates to fly. It seems Jas on would be the pers on we n eed.

B: Unfortun ately, he does n ' t have any sales experie nee.

Audio Track 1-3-8 / Audio Track 1-3-9

I ' Don Pierce. A good actor works very, very hard. People think that actors spend their

time at a lot of parties and nightclubs, but that isn ' t truenAartyrs spend hours
