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Unit 1a

Job description(工作描述, make a description of(对……进行描述, duty(责任,职责, the Chamber of Commerce(商会, name card(名片, frozen products(冷藏产品, human resources manager(人力资源部经理, production manager(产品经理, vacuum

package(真空包装, firm(公司, corporation(公司, public limited company(PLC有限责任公司, marketing manager市场部经理, it depends(不一定,随机而定,sales meeting展销会, update升级、更新, balance sheet损益表, after-sales service售后服务, keep a record记录, marketing department 市场部, make money挣钱, do the accounts做账, food industry食品行业, publicity material宣传资料, deal with处理, health authority卫生当局, organize a conference组织会议, medical press conference医疗记者招待会, be responsible for对……负责, applicants申请人, interview面试, vacancy空缺, successful 成功的, personal problems个人问题, be satisfied with对……感到满意, customer顾客, qualified合格, contact 联系, mine/hot spring温泉,client客户, equipment设备, recruit

招聘, be based in总部位于, nationality国籍,

Unit 1b

Working condition工作条件, comments about work工作抱怨, comments box意见箱, make good use of充分利用, take calls打电话, stop sb from doing sth阻止某人做某事, president总经理、董事长, preside over主持, answer the phone接电话, bonus奖金, salary薪水, pay 支付, commission佣金, pension退休金, frequently频繁的, run out of 用光,stationery文具, break down损坏, occasionally偶尔, set a good example to sb为

某人树立好的榜样, shift班次, overall工作服, line manager直线经理, area manager区域经理, ask for a leave请假, take a sick leave请病假, contract联系, review回顾, overtime rate/pay加班费, public holidays公休假日, inform sb of sth通知某人某事, commence开始, due to因为, annual每年的, employee雇员, employer雇主, employ


Unit 2a

Found成立, machinery机械的, local economy当地经济, take over接管, subsidiary分公司, export出口, production line生产线, value价值, globalization全球化, facility设施, manufacturers生产商, joint venture 合资公司, opportunity机会, turnover营业额, version版本, engine发动机, engine hood发动机盖, windscreen挡风玻璃, oil tank汕箱, gear档, automatic gear自动档, manual gear手动档, rear view mirror后视镜, wiper雨刷, air bag气囊,stereo system音响系统,air conditioner空调boot后备箱,steering wheel方向盘, spare tyre备用轮胎, traffic jam塞车, brake pedal 杀车踏板, clutch pedal离合踏板, gas pedal油门踏板, sun roof天窗, bumper保险杠, partnership合作关系, Germany德国, million 百万,

Unit 2b

Invest投资, investment投资, acquire获得, investor投资者, central Europe中欧, diagram图表, invest money in投资于, ownership所有权, extract抽出, production engineer生产工程师, earn挣, attraction吸引, import进口, develop new market开出新市场, look beyond to指望, huge 巨大的, profit利润, in spite of尽管, sign签字, in addition to另外, generous慷慨的, be similar to与……相似, further education进修, launch a new product推出新产品, modernize现代化, maintenance engineer维护工程师, move house搬家,

Unit 4a

Receptionist接待员, cut off断线, message信息, ask for a special leave(请事假, surname姓, First Aid course急救课程, confirm确认, participant参加者, health and safety council健康安全委员会

Unit 4b
