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( )1.---I am terribly sorry I have broken your dish.

---_____. I never likes that dish.

A. Not at all

B.Don’t mention it

C.All right

D.It doesn’t matter

( )2.---I have a good time at the seaside this summer holidays.


A.Oh, that’s nice of you


C.Oh,I am glad to hear that

D.Got back home

( )3.---You look so beautiful in red.


A.I don’t think so

B. Thank you

C.You’re right

D.It’s my pleasure

( )4.---Let’s go out for a walk.

---I don’t really feel like a walk.


---All right, That sounds more interesting.

A.what’s wrong with you?

B.what would you like?

C.may I help you?

D.how about going shopping?

( )5.---I’ll take my test tomorrow.


A.Good idea

B.Help yourself

e on




()6、When you are sleeping, you are not using energy.


B. 精力

C. 能源

D. 脑力

()7、His expression suggested that he was not in good mood.


B. 提议


D. 劝告

()8、They are building more research center.

A. 研究


C. 搜捕

D. 探讨

()9、She said that the film would be developed in ten minutes.


B. 开发

C. 冲洗

D. 产生

()10、To my delight, he managed to help the little boy in trouble.

A. 决心

B. 决定

C. 爱好

D. 高兴()11、I visited several countries, for instance, America, Canada and Japan


B. 还有

C. 像(什么)

D. 除了()12、I remember one of them in particular.


B. 特殊地

C. 特别地

D. 显著地()13、In this case, we should make the best use of the resource.


B. 使用

C. 利用

D. 充分利用

()14、This kind of clothes is out of date for young people.


B. 出了日期

C. 过时

D. 流行

()15、She should go home ,as usual ,for Christmas.


B. 像往常一样

C. 平时

D. 一般


()16、So fast _____ that it is difficult for us to imagine its speed.

A.light travel

B.travels the light

C.do light travel

D. Does light travel

()17、Here ____ you want to see.

A.the manager comes

B. comes the manager

C. Comes a manager

D.is coming a manager

()18、________ for the leadership of the Party, we should not have succeeded.

A.Had not it been

B. Had it not been

C. There was

D. Is there

()19、Not only _____ study well but also he always helps others.

A.he does

B.he did

C.does he

D.did he

()20、__________ ,he still goes on writing and reading.

A. As is he old

B.Old as he is

C.As old he is

D. Old but he is

()21、All animals need air, __________.

A.So plants do

B.So need plants

C.So do plants

D.Plants are so

()22、Neither you nor ______ it.

A.I could do

B.could I do

C.I were able to do

D.was I able to do ()23、If I ______ you, I _____ more attention to English idioms and phrases.

A.was; shall pay

B.am; will pay

C.would be;would pay

D.were; would pay

()24、The doctor ordered that my father ______ smoking as soon sa possible.

A.gives up

B.give up

C.gave up

D.will give up

()25、He treats the boy as if ______ his own son.

A.he is

B.is he

C.he should be

D.he were

()26、If human beings ______ on the moon, they would surely die there.

A.were to live

B.was to live

C.were live

D. live

()27、It’s high time you _______.

A.start to work

B.would start to work

C.started to work

D.had started to work ()28、If they had time,they ___ another try.

A.would have

B.should have had

C.are going to have


()29、If she _____ next Sunday, we will go boating together.

A.will come


C.shall come

D.should come

()30、I wish _____ something about spaceship.

A.I know

B.I knew

C.had I known

D. I have known

()31、It is necessary that we _____ here the whole morning.

A.should stay


C.will stay

D.may stay

()32、____ you, I wouldn’t do that.

A.Were I

B.If I have been

C.Have I been

D.Would I be

()33、If had enough time, I ______ it better next time.

A.will do

B.have done


D.would do
