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英语口语在商务工作中的重要性在这样一个知识经济和全球经济统一化的大环境中不言而喻,相信每一位从事商务工作者都希望自己在和顾客沟通的课程中能够说出一口流利的英语口语( )。以下收集整理的都是常用的商务英语口语句,在不同的情境下需要不同的口语进行沟通。


1.Thank you for calling.谢谢你打电话来。

2.Please have a seat.您请坐。

3.Here is our sample room.这是我们的样品室。

4.These are our new models.这是我们的新样品。

5.Take your time, please.请随意看

6.What’s the lowest price? 最低价多少?

7.Do you have anything smaller?有没有面额小一点的?

8.How do you pack them? 如何包装?

9.Well guarantee this product for one year.我们这项产品保用一年。

10.It’ very nice.产品很漂亮。

11.Sorry, but we don’ t offer delivery service.对不起,我们不提供运货服务。

12.Pack them in dozens.以打进行袋装。

13.I hope to see you again. 希望下次再见。

14.Let me pack it for you.我替你包起来。

15.It’s almost at cost.这几乎是成本价。


1.Follow me, please.请跟我来。

2.What color do you like? 你喜欢什么颜色?

3.Keep in touch. 保持联络。

4.Ill contact you again. 我会再联系你的。

5.Here’s your change.找给你钱。

6.Is check ok? 支票可以吗?

7.We’d like you to pay in cash.我们希望你能付现金。

8.Can I pay with my credit card? 我能用信用卡付款吗?

9.What color is popular with the young people? 什么颜色适合年轻人?

10.When can you deliver? 什么时候交货?

11.Ill deliver the goods in three days, OK? 我三天后交货可以吗?

12.Ill ship as quickly as we can.我们会尽快给您装货。

13.Wholesale or retail? 你是批发还是零售?

14.You must pay a deposit.你必须要付一部分押金。

15.Glad/Nice to meet you.很高兴认识你。

16.Enjoy your stay in Yi wu.祝你在义乌过得愉快。

17.Its out pleasure to do business with you.与您合作很愉快。

18.How about the quality of this product? The quality is too low.这种产品的质量如何?

19.The quality of our bearings is very high.我们的产品质量很高。


1.What is the price? 价格怎样?

2.Thats too much! /Its too expensive.太贵了。

3.Can it be cheaper? 能便宜点吗?

4.Whats the highest price? 最高价多少?

5.They are famous brands.他们是名牌。

6.They are well-known brands in the world.他们是世界著名品牌。

7.I assure you of the quality.我可以保证货的质量。

8.The quality is too low.质量太差了。

9.Hold on, please/Just a moment, please.请稍等。

10.Do you have any other colors? 你还有其他的颜色吗?

11.I want ten different colors.我要十种不同的颜色。

12.This blue one looks good.这个蓝色的不错。

13.I couldn’t catch you.我跟不上你。

14.Pink is very popular this year.今年流行粉色。

15.Would you speak more slowly? 你可以讲慢一点吗?

16.Would you speak more loudly, please? 你可以讲大声一点吗?

17.Could you repeat it? 你愿意再说一次吗?

18.Please come again.欢迎再来。

19.It is out of stock.这件货品缺货。

20.This is our newest product.这是我们最新的产品。

