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3-section mirror 三面梳妆镜

Adjustable bed 可调床

Air bed 气床

altar 供桌( (教堂内的)圣坛,祭坛;(基督教教堂内的)圣餐台)

ancient folding chair 高背椅

Anti-slip strip for stairs 楼梯防滑条

armchair 扶手椅;高背椅;帆布椅;单人沙发

armoire 雕饰衣柜(装潢精美之大衣柜)

baby chair 婴儿座椅

crib 婴儿床

crib tent 有帐婴儿床

Backless wall-unit 不设背板的壁橱

back-rest chair 可翻动椅

banquet/banqueting chair 宴会椅

banquet/banqueting table 宴会桌

bar stool 吧椅;酒吧高脚凳

Bathroom combination 浴室组合柜

Bathroom consoles 浴室多用架

Bathroom vanity 浴室盥洗台

beauty(/dressing) case 女用化装箱

bed 床

bedside screen 床边屏风

bedside table;night table;bedside cupboard;beside table;nightstand 床头柜bench 长凳(条凳)

Board-room table 会议桌

boisseries (具西方古典风格的家具,可放电视机、书和装饰陈列品等)bookcase 书橱、书架

Bookshelf 书架

bookslide 活动书架

built-in cupboard(/cabinet) 壁橱/壁柜

Bunk (车、船等倚壁而设常有上、下铺的)架式床铺,铺位

Bunk bed 两张或三张单人床叠架设置,通常有扶梯

bureau 五斗柜/五斗橱

bureau with mirror 有镜衣柜;五斗柜;梳妆台(美);写字台,书桌(英)Cabin bed 儿童多功能床

Cabin furniture for ships 船用家具

cabinet for cleaning-tools 清扫用具柜

camp bed(/cot) 行军床;帆布床

Canopy bed 带天篷的床,四柱床

car bed 可携式童床

CD-video storage cabinet 音响组合柜

chair 椅子(通常指单人用的)

chair bed 坐卧两用椅

Chair with castors 脚轮椅

Changing table 婴儿床

chess table 下棋桌

chest of drawers 五斗柜;衣柜(美);(通常是木制的、有盖的、带锁的、通常会包上铁皮的)旅行/储物柜(在网上看到的解释)

chiffoniers (高高的带镜子的)五斗橱(美);(上置餐具柜的可移动的)食品柜

Child cot 童床

china cabinet 瓷器橱

closet 壁橱;碗橱;衣橱

closet on chest 双层橱

clothes closet; wardrobe; hanging cupboard 立柜

clothes press 衣柜/衣橱

clothes tree 柱式衣帽架

Cocktail cabinet 吧柜,酒柜

Cocktail table 鸡尾酒桌

Coffee table 茶几;咖啡桌(配沙发用)

Combine-unit 组合柜

commode 衣柜;橱;洗脸台;室内便器

conference table 会议桌

console 小桌(可放装饰品等);(电脑的)操作桌;(收音机等的)落地柜

Console table 桌案

corner cabinet 壁角橱

Corner sofa suite 拐角扶杆

Cot 童床(婴儿床);轻便床;窄床;帆布床

couch 长沙发;睡椅

cradle 摇篮

crib; baby's crib 儿童床

cupboard 碗柜;橱柜;壁柜

Cupboard wall unit for flat 套房衣柜

curios cabinet 古玩柜

deck(/sling/reclining)chair 躺椅

desk 办公桌;书桌

desk chair 办公椅

dining chair 餐椅

Dining table 餐桌

dining(dinner) table 餐桌

display cupboard 摆饰橱

divan 长沙发椅;沙发床

double bed 双人床

double chair 双人椅

Double function sofa-bed 双人沙发床

Double sided mirror 双面镜

Double-bed 双人床

double-deck(/bunk/double-decker) bed 双层床Draughtsman chair 吧椅

drawing table 活面餐桌

dressing stool 梳妆凳

dressing(/toilet) table 梳妆台/桌

drinks cupboard 饮料橱

drop leaf table 方圆两用桌

easy (/comfort/reclining) chair 安乐椅Eight Immortals table(for eight peole) 八仙桌end table 有抽屉茶几

entertainment center 电视、音响、陈列柜

file cabinet 档案柜

Filing cabinet 文件柜;公文柜

filing drawer 分隔用抽屉

Fireplace 壁炉

fitted cupboards (尺寸合适的橱柜?)Flower stand 花架

folding bed 折叠床

Folding chair 折叠椅

folding screen 围屏;折叠屏风

folding stool 折叠凳

folding(/collapsible) chair 折叠椅

folding(/gate-legged) table 折叠桌

footrest 搁脚凳

Foot-stool 踏脚凳;杌凳;脚踏

four-drawer desk 四屉桌

French cabinet 法式弯脚桌椅

Function sofa 多功能沙发椅

Game table 游戏桌

glass and wood cabinet 玻璃柜

Glass cabinet/case 玻璃陈设柜

glass table 玻璃桌

glider table 滑动桌

hammock 吊床

hammock chair 帆布躺椅

Hat and coat stand 衣帽架
