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drawing list 图纸目录

position number table 代码对照表

machinery 曳引机

machine room wiring diagrams 机房接线图power supply 电源

high voltage 高压

controller 控制柜

external connections 外部接线

group connections 群控接线

option interface unit 选项接口

shaft wiring diagrams 井道接线图

control panel connections 控制柜接线图

served top floor 顶层服务楼层

specials at top floors 特殊顶层服务楼层

sered intermetiate floors 中间服务楼层specials at intermediate floors 特殊中间服务楼层extra long fllor to fllor distance 特殊长间距楼层served first fllor 第一层服务楼层

specials at first fllor 特殊第一层服务楼层

pit wiring 底坑接线

key switches at landings 厅门钥匙开关emergency exits in shaft 井道紧急出口

car diring diagrams 轿厢接线图

travelling cable 随缆

inspection drive 检修运行

safety switches 安全开关

limit switches 极限开关

doors 门

car network,cop 轿厢网络,COP

car calls 轿内召唤

car operating panel,general 轿厢操作面板,通用car operating panel,optional 轿厢操作面板,选项car lighting and ventilation 轿厢照明和通风circuit diagrams 电路图

contactor control 接触器控制

machinery control 曳引机控制

safety chain 安全回路

car,door contacts 轿厢,门触点

deceleration switches,position switches 检修运行,位置开关eceleration switches 减速开关

load weighing 称重

floor computer network 楼层计算机网络

door control AMD 门机控制AMD

car and shaft light 轿厢和井道照明

emergency lighting and alarm 应急照明和警报

remote alarm 远程报警

optional circuit diagrams 功能选项电路图

wiring between option boards 选项板间接线

option board 功能选项板

monitoring and command system 监控和指令系统firemans drive 消防运行

emergency power drive 紧急电源驱动

lift announcer 电梯语音报

locking of car calls 内呼锁定

locking of landing calls 外呼锁定

attendant service 司机服务

emergency battery drive 紧急电池驱动

traffic supervision display 运载流量监察显

intercom system 对讲机系统

vanes diagram 井道飞器布置图

shaft layout,lowest floors 底层井道布置图

shaft layout,top floors 顶层井道布置图

shaft layout,dummy floors 假楼层井道布置图

control panel layout 控制柜布置图

shaft electrification panel 井道电器控制柜

maintenance access panel 维保控制屏

DWG. NO. 图号


control panel assembly 控制柜总成

position number table 代码对照表

hoisting motor 曳引马达

thermistors 热敏电阻

tachome ter 测速发电机

brake solenoid 抱闸线圈

door zone switch 门区开关

car call buttons 内呼按钮

I/O-board lcecob LCECOB输入输出板attendant switch 司机开关

attendent down 司机下

attendent up 司机上

door open button 开门按钮

door close button 关门按钮

door extension time 关门延时

priority drive switch 优先服务开关switch for car lighting 轿厢照明开关switch for car fan 轿厢风扇开关locking switch 锁开关

alarm button 警报按钮

stop switch on car roof 轿顶急停开关switch for inspection drive 检修运行开关inspection button up 检修上行按钮inspection button down 检修下行按钮inspection button run 检修运行按钮

car fan 轿厢风扇

car lighting 轿厢照明

emergency lighting 应急照明

socket on car roof 轿顶电源插座

final limit switch in car 轿厢极限开关safety gear contact 安全嵌触点emergency exit contact 紧急出口触点impules switch up 感应平层开关上impules switch down 感应平层开关下blocking divice 锁定装置

ladder contact 轿顶机械锁触点

load weighing device 称重装置

alarm buzzer on car roof 轿顶报警器out of service switch 锁梯开关

fireman`s switch 消防开关deceleration switch up 减速开关上deceleration switch down 减速开关下synchronizntion switch 同步开关safety edge contact 安全触板触点

door operator 门机
