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For a long time, the administration of the tap water scalar for the users has been relied on the copy of the water meter. With this method the toll collectors should drop in for the charge or the users consign to the bank themselves. This traditional method of the tap water charge needs a lot of workers. What’s more, the efficiency of this way is very low and it often engenders arrearage and evasion of the charge, which causes incovenience and conflict to both the users and the waterworks. The application of intelligent water meter not only improves work efficiency of the department supplying water, and realizes using water electronically but also creates a condition for using water frugally and rationally. Because of these characteristics, intelligent water meter obtained more and more widespread application.

In this paper, the main design based on single-chip pre-charges the IC card water meter system hardware circuit design. The system concludes the following functional modules: power supply, flux sensor、IC card reader、LCD show module、alarm circuit、tamper circuit, and the microcontroller AT89S51 as its master CMOS chip.

As the product to conform the development of the tap water industry, intelligent water meter greatly decrease the difficulty in charge and the copy of the water meter. What’s more, it can change the current water mechanism, enhance the sense of saving water, and realize the automation in the water supply department’s management.

KEYWORDS: i ntelligent IC card, card reader, AT89S51, LCD


前言 (1)

第1章绪论 (5)

1.1 传统水表 (5)

1.1.1 传统水表的主要结构 (5)

1.1.2 传统水表的特点 (5)

1.2 智能水表 (6)

1.2.1 智能水表介绍 (6)

1.2.2 智能水表与传统水表的区别 (6)

1.3 IC卡智能水表及其分类 (7)

1.3.1 IC卡水表的概念 (7)

1.3.2 IC卡智能水表分类 (8)

第2章智能水表总体设计 (9)

2.1 智能水表结构 (9)

2.1.1 硬件部分 (9)

2.1.2 软件部分 (10)

2.2 AT89S51单片机性能介绍 (11)

2.2.1 AT89S51的主要性能参数 (11)

2.2.2 AT89S51的引脚功能及结构特框图 (12)

2.2.3 AT89S51单片机的振荡器特性 (15)

2.3 智能水表的功能 (15)

2.4 系统的低功耗设计 (16)

第3章智能水表各模块设计 (18)

3.1 IC卡读写电路 (18)

3.1.1 IC卡的基本概念 (18)

3.1.2 IC卡及卡座的选用 (18)

3.1.3 24C01工作原理及工作特性 (19)

3.1.4 读写器的硬件设计 (19)

3.2 电源电路 (21)
