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一、The brief introduction of Barings Bank

(1) Barings Bank is one of Britain's oldest bank, opened in London in 1762, Sir Francis founded the human Bahrain (法兰西斯·巴林爵士). Bahrain bank has engaged in international trade finance and wealth play an important role in the United Kingdom, Queen Elizabeth II has had one of its customers. Barings never been listed on the London Stock Exchange, the full ownership of the assets in the hands of senior management and charitable foundations. On February 26, 1995 collapse.

巴林银行(Barings Bank),是英国历史最悠久的银行之一,于1762年在伦敦开业,创办人为法兰西斯·巴林爵士(Sir Francis Baring)。巴林银行因从事国际贸易融资而致富,在英国担当一个重要的角色,英女皇伊利莎伯二世亦曾经为其客户之一。巴林银行从来未在伦敦证券交易所上市,资产所有权全在高级管理层及慈善基金会的手上。于1995年2月26日倒闭。

(2) Bahrain group includes four parts:

(A) Bahrain Brothers, mainly engaged in corporate finance, banking and capital market


(B) Bahrain securities companies to engage in securities brokerage business objectives.

(C) Bahrain Asset Management Ltd., mainly in asset management and hosting personal

assets as the goal.

(D) The Group has a 40% stake in US-based investment bank.






(3) Key Features

Barings Bank Group's business expertise is in corporate finance and investment management. Despite being a veteran of the bank, but Bahrain has been aggressive in the early 1900s to further expand the company's financial operations, lucrative. 90s to overseas development, to carry out a wide range of investment activities in emerging markets, 1994 will only have to open offices in China, India, Pakistan, South Africa and other places, business networks in Asia and Latin America, the main point emerging countries and regions. As of the end of 1993, total assets of all banks in Bahrain for £ 5.9 billion, in 1994 pre-tax profit of up to $ 1.5 billion. Its core capital ranked 489 in the world's largest bank in 1000.


二、The Introduction of Nick Leeson尼克·李森的简介

Before analyzing the reasons for the bankruptcy of Barings Bank, let's look at a simple plays a vital task in the bankruptcy of Barings Bank --Nick Leeson

June 16, 1989 evening, Nick Leeson • officially became a member of Barings Bank, Nick Leeson • Continue for liquidation in the futures and options department. • Sen to win nine Hou Nike opportunity to work in Indonesia, but Barings Bank in Jakarta business is very confusing, there are plenty of tickets did not receive due process, no office staff and ticket random stacking to the basement, shortfall of up to one hundred million pounds. • Nick Leeson will be in here to clean up ticket for Barings Bank eliminating one hundred million pounds of debt, and this became acquainted with his wife Lisa.

March 1991, Nick Leeson • back to London. The success obtained in Jakarta, as well as Morgan Stanley Bank (Nick Leeson • Before working places) on his training so t hat Nick Leeson was considered an expert • Futures and Options Clearing respect.

1991, Nick Leeson • full year are inspected Bahrain banking business in Europe and the Far East, he accompanied the bank responsible for t he development of Tony • Dick made a trip around the world, looking for new opportunities for the development of Barings Bank. In the second half, they arrived in Singapore. Barings Bank decided to set up a branch in Singapore, Nick Leeson became general manager of the Singapore branch • futures and options trading sector.

the location of Nick Leeson is quite peculiar, on the one hand, the trading floor, responsible for the yen to do with options trading; on the other hand, I was in charge of the logistics department, can freely request to London. He could look at only one person at the same time on both sides of the global income on the balance sheet are responsible. In addition, the management of the company to his hand, aspects of the London headquarters of his fine remittance requirements responsive and never asked outside; on the other hand, according to regulations, he has to report to three different people. Singapore's boss Simon, but he is no shape but futures options trading. Nominal boss Mike, his business in Tokyo, but little contact with him, but he only cared about me to earn profits. Because of this, he can handle their business freely, without any human intervention.

在分析巴林银行破产原因之前,我们先来简单的了解一下在巴林银行破产中起着至关重要的任务——Nick Leeson

