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ex. Jim is than Mike. (tall)

Mike is than Jim. (short)

It’s today than it was yesterday. (hot)



在原级前面通常使用very, quite, too, much too, so 等。

ex: 1. The room is very big.

2. The person is quite clever.

3. Today is too hot.

4. He eats too much, so he’s much too heavy.

5. I’m a little hungry, I’d like something to eat.

6. Jim is as tall as Tom.

7. Your English is so good.

在比较级前面使用的修饰词有:even(更,更加),a little(有点),far/ much/ a lot (更加,……的多)

ex: 1. Yesterday was hot, but today is even

2. I’m a little than Mary. tall

3. This skirt is far/ much/ a lot than that one. beautiful


(一)、含义:表示三者或三者以上的人或物进行比较时,用最高级。形容词的最高级前面要加定冠词the,副词最高级前面的the可以省略。在含有最高级的句子中,常有一个in/of 短语来表示比较范围。如:in my class, in China, of the students, of all, of the three等。


1. clean, small, long, hard

2. heavy, dirty, healthy, happy

3. big, thin, fat, hot

4. late, nice, large


difficult, interesting, beautiful; slowly, quickly, friendly, easily;

特殊变化:good—better—best; bad/badly/ill—worse—worst

many/much—more—most; little—less—least;



1. 表示三者或三者以上的人或事物比较时用最高级:

①He is (strong) of the three.

②Shanghai is (big) city in China.

③Mike did (badly) in this test.

④Who speaks English (well) in your class?

2. 表示三者或三者以上的人或事物进行选择时,用which/who is +the+形容词的最高级,+A、B、or C?

①is the (interesting) subject, math, art or English?

② is (fat), Jim, Tom or Jack?

③ sings (well), Mary, Kate or Lucy?

3. be + one of the +最高级+复数名词,表示“最……的……之一”。ex:

①West Lake is one of (beautiful) places in China.

②Mike is one of (tall) students in our school.

4. be + the+序数词+最高级+单数名词+范围,表示“……是第几个……的”。ex:

①The Yellow River is the second (long) in China.

②I think English is the most interesting subject. And math is the second (interesting ) one.

5. be + the +最高级+人或物+定语从句(that +主语+have/has +ever+过去分词)

①This is (beautiful) city that I have ever visited.

②It’s (good) news that I have ever heards today.

③It’s(tall) person that I have ever seen.


1. —Does John draw (well) than Jack?

—No, Jack draws as (good) as John.

2. —Who studies (hard), Tom, Mary or Lucy?

—Tom studies than Mary, and Lucy studies of all.

3. Today is very , but yesterday is even .(cold)

4. Bill runs faster than any other student in his class.(同义句)

=Bill runs in his class.

=Nobody runs Bill in his class.

5. Of the two shirts, Alan bought (cheap) one.

6. Of all the movies I have seen, I like this one . It’s not funny at all.

A. least

B. most

C. worst

D. best

7. Please write and try not to make any mistakes.

A. as careful as possible

B. most careful

C. more carefully

D. as carefully as you can



1. English is one of (important) subjects in our school.

2. Of all the students, John does his homework (careful).

3. You speak English much (well) than before.

4. (hard) you work, (good) grades you’ll get.

5. He’s (funny) person that I have seen.

6. Who’s the third (heavy) in your class?


1. —Which country has the population, Japan, India or China?

—Japan, of course.

A. smallest

B. largest

C. most

D. least

2. Of all the sports shoes, John bought pair. Then he had some money for socks.

A. a cheaper

B. the least expensive

C. the most expensive

D. the best

3. You are getting .

A. more and more careful

B. more and more carefully

C. the most careful

D. the most carefully

4. I think I’m enough to go to school.

A. good

B. well

C. better

D. best
