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第2页 共4页

A. Artemis

B. Apollo

C. Athena

D. Zeus

10. Of the twelve labors done by Heracules, which was not acknowledged by

Eurystheus? A. Nemean Lion B. the Erymanthian Boar C. Cretan Bull D. Augeas ’ Stables II. Filling in the blanks. (10 points)

1. ___ was the virgin goddess of the hunt.

2. After defeating Cronus, Zeus and his brothers, ___ and ___, divided up the creation, the former of whom received the sea as his domain, and the latter got the Underworld.

3. Paris gave the Apple of Discord to ___, who had promised him the world ’s most beautiful woman.

4. In the Trojan War, it was the Greek warrior ___ that killed Hector, and ___ revenged his brother by shooting an arrow into his fatal heel.

5. ___ was considered the wisest Titan, while ___ was thought a stupid one.

6. ___, the god of wine, the Roman name of which is ___, represents not only the intoxicating power of wine, but its social and beneficent influences likewise.

III. Explain the following idioms according to what you have learned in the mythology. (20 points)

1. Pandora ’s Box

2. Herculean Efforts

3. Achilles ’ Heel

4. Apple of Discord

IV.Answer the following questions. (40 points)

1. What do you know about Prometheus in mythology? Talk about his main exploits to man and also his affairs with gods.

2. Talk about the Trojan War in mythology, including the background, the cause,

3.According to the mythology, how do we have the “sun-flower”? And what do

you learn from the story?

4.What does Echo mean and talk about her story in mythology.

5.Of the Greek heroes, Odysseus and Heracules, who do you prefer? Talk about

his exploits and what you learn from him.

