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The results of the research are demonstrated as follows: Firstly, the drilling circulation loss of Lu’an mining area are divided into three modes, that is, transformed fracture leakage, dissolved pore leakage and pressed porefracture leakage; Secondly, the leaking formation may be correspondingly categorized into three modes, i.e., transformed fracture formation, dissolved pore formation and pressed pore-fracture formation; Thirdly, the drilling circulation loss mechanism are summarized into five categories: natural pore-fracture leakage, induced fracture leakage, permeable leakage, extended groundwater leakage and contacted formation with surface leakage ; Fourthly, the reasons for drilling circulation loss can be generalized as complex geological and structural conditions, unsuitable drilling production technologies and unreasonable mud preparation and adjustment; Fifthly, with the pumping plugging slurry of four schemes analyzed and the plugging scheme and technology optimized, a new plugging device of LAZKD-1 mode together with a leakage detector of CLY-1 mode and a plugging slurry system consisting of isolating slurry and plugging slurry are designed and developed; Sixthly, the plugging slurry, whose rheological equation is determinded as τ=0.71γ0.75, can be optimized as both the isolating slurry consisting of material A solution accounting for 5.0%~10%, and the plugging slurry constructed of the combination of material C accounting for 40%~50%, material B 5.0%~8.0% and material D 8.0%~15%, while the leak resistant slurry can be optimized as(钠基膨润土?)accounting for 4%~5%, CMC 0.2~0.3%, potassium humate 0.5%, PHP 0.05%, 801 plugging agent 0~2% and Na2CO3 1% of the Na-bentonite weight.
矿区钻孔漏失现象分布广泛,漏失量大,严重影响钻进效 率,极大增加钻探成本,是潞安矿区煤田钻探生产实践中
理,探索和研制防漏堵漏方案及工艺,对提高钻探工程质 量,增加钻探工程效益具有现实和长远意义。

The determination of the leakage pattern and
because of the application of the new
plugging method, considerable achievements have been obtained such as the drilling construction period decreased by 35.55%, the average value of each drilling increased by 0.6 million yuan and the successful plugging reaching 96%.

exerts a serious influence on the drilling
efficiency and causes a great increase in the
drilling cost .
在分析潞安矿区地质条件、钻探生产工艺、钻孔 堵漏研究现状基础上,探索并划分了潞安矿区钻孔漏失 类型,调查并研究了漏失地层特征与分布规律,分析并 确定了漳村井田煤田钻孔漏失原因;研制了测漏、堵漏 装置;通过大量室内试验,设计并优化了适用于潞安矿 区复杂多漏失地层的防漏和堵漏方案及工艺;防漏和堵 漏技术在工程现场中得到了很好的实践效果。
formations in Lu’an mining area, which leads to the
result that the designed leakage resistance and
plugging technology was perfectly applied in the
engineering field.
experiments were carried out to design and optimize
the scheme and technology to the leakage resistance
and plugging for the complex and numerous leaking

Based on the analysis for the geological conditions of Lu’an mining area, the drilling production technology and the present situation of plugging, the exploration and division for the circulation loss mode of Lu’an mining area, and the investigation and research on the leaking formation pattern and distribution were carried

பைடு நூலகம்
研究表明,潞安矿区钻孔漏失划分为:改造裂隙型漏失、溶 蚀孔隙型漏失、压蚀孔裂隙型漏失三种漏失类型,漏失层划分为 改造裂隙型、溶蚀孔隙型、压蚀孔裂隙型三种漏失层;钻孔漏失 机理概括为自然孔隙裂隙性漏失机理、诱导裂隙性漏失机理、渗 透性漏失机理、地下水扩展性漏失机理和地层接触面接触性漏失 机理;钻孔漏失原因总结为地质与构造条件复杂,钻探施工工艺 不当和泥浆配制及调节不合理;设计开发了一种新型堵漏装置 (LAZKDL-1型堵漏装置)、测漏仪(CLY-1型)及由隔离液和堵 漏液组合形成的堵漏浆液,分析了4种方案的泵入式堵漏浆液, 优化了堵漏方案和堵漏工艺;确定了堵漏浆液流变方程: τ=0.71γ0.75,堵漏浆液的优化结果为:隔离液组成:材料A水 溶液(材料A含量5.0%~10%);堵漏液组成:材料C(40%~50%) +材料B(5.0%~8.0%)+材料D(8.0%~15%),防漏浆液优化结 果为:钠基膨润土4%~5%,碳酸钠加量为土重量的1%,CMC 0.2~0.3%,腐殖酸钾0.5%,聚丙烯酰胺0.05%,801堵漏剂加量 为0~2%;新型堵漏方法的钻探工期较传统堵漏方法下降了 35.55%,平均每个钻孔钻探产能增加值为60万元,堵漏效果达到 96%及以上。
out to study and determine the reasons for the drilling
circulation loss of Zhangcun coal mine.

Furthermore, with new devices for measuring leakage
and plugging developed, lots of laboratory

due to the fact that the widespread and a large amout of circulation loss, one of the multiple and cataclysmic accidents in drilling engineering, and also a dissolved engineering roadblock in the drilling production practice of Lu’an mining area,
mechanism, as well as the exploration and development for the scheme and technology of the leakage resistance and plugging are of realistic and long-term significance to the enhancement of the drilling engineering quality and benefit,