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Working capital plays an important role in the sustainable operation of enterprises, only through good capital operation management can we guarantee the smooth operation of enterprises. Therefore, it is very necessary to discuss the fund operation management. Only when we find the deficiencies and defects in time, we can improve them in time, so as to prevent the occurrence of fund risk.

Sinopec Yijie Shenyang company is the research object,analyzing the working capital management of the company according to the research ideas of putting forward problems, analyzing reasons and solving problems. this paper is divided into five parts: first, it introduces the theory of capital operation and management, then from the aspects of current capital, accounts receivable and debt situation, it finds out the defects in capital operation and management, and points out that the proportion of current assets is large and accounts receivable is large Large scale and poor recovery of funds, overstocking and improper management of inventory, lack of effective management of managers. At last, this paper analyzes and studies these problems in detail, and puts forward relative solutions and improvement measures based on the actual operation of the enterprise.

Key words:working capital management; capital turnover; monetary capital; liquidity management


第1章绪论 (1)

1.1研究背景及意义 (1)

1.1.1研究背景 (1)

1.1.2研究意义 (1)

1.2文献综述 (1)

1.2.1国外文献综述 (1)

1.2.2国内文献综述 (2)

1.3研究目的和方法 (2)

1.3.1研究目的 (2)

1.3.2研究方法 (2)

第2章营运资金管理理论综述 (4)

2.1 营运资金的概念 (4)

2.2 营运资金的特点 (4)

2.2.1易变现性 (4)

2.2.2实物形态变动性 (4)

2.2.3数量波动性 (4)

2.2.4周转时间短 ....................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

2.3 营运资金管理的意义 (5)

2.3.1保证资金的合理需求 (5)

2.3.2提高资金使用效率 (5)

2.3.3节约资金使用成本 (5)

第3章中石化易捷沈阳公司营运资金管理现状分析 (6)

3.1 中石化易捷沈阳公司基本情况 (6)

3.1.1 易捷沈阳公司简介 (6)

3.1.2易捷沈阳公司便利店优势及困难分析 (6)

3.1.3公司的组织结构 (7)

3.2 易捷沈阳公司便利店营运资金管理现状分析 (7)

3.2.1营运资金规模 (7)

3.2.2流动资产规模 (8)

3.2.3流动负债规模 (8)

第4章易捷沈阳公司资金管理存在问题 (10)

4.1营运资金结构不合理 (10)

4.1.1流动资产占总资产比例过大 (10)

4.1.2流动资产内部结构不合理 (10)

4.1.3流动比率逐年下降 (11)

4.2 营运资金运营效率较低 (11)

4.2.1 应收账款回收不力 (11)

4.2.2 存货管理方法不当 (12)

4.3管理层缺乏对营运资金的有效管理 (12)

4.4 营运资金管理绩效评价制度不完善 (13)

第5章改善营运资金管理的对策和意见 (14)

5.1 优化营运资金结构 (14)

5.2 加强应收账款管理 (14)

5.2.1 应收账款的事前管理 (14)

5.2.2 应收账款的事中管理 (14)

5.2.3 应收账款的事后管理 (14)

5.3 加强存货和供应链管理水平 (15)

5.4 提高管理层营运资金管理意识 (14)

第6章结论 (16)

参考文献 .................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。致谢 (17)

附录一中文译文 ...................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。附录二外文原文 ...................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
