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Personal bank account management system


Account management is one of the most important for each bank's business processes, which plays a connecting role in the bank's various business processes. It can be described as the top most important transaction in banking.

For the above problems, in this paper, adopted the development of software engineering principles, based on the software engineering process specification process, in accordance with the needs analysis, outline design, detailed design, program coding, testing, software applications, and software maintenance process, we developed a personal bank account information management systems. Used the Linux platform as a development environment, and used QT, C + + as a development tool, object-oriented design, this paper major designed of the administrator's login, new user accounts, withdrawals, transfers, business inquiries, it solved the cumbersome operating process of banks , and achieve a basic bank account management tasks convenient.

This design designed a personal bank account information management system, which enables the bank staff to complete the account management tasks quickly and easily, so the management of the bank accounts can become systematic, efficient, standardized, automated and efficient.

Key words:Personal Information Management (PIM); QT; C++;Object-oriented


1 本课题的研究意义和目的 0

1.1 开发背景 0

1.2 国内外现状 0

1.3 自动化管理银行竞争优势的分析 (1)

2 系统需求分析 (2)

2.1 开发设计思想 (2)

2.2 可行性研究 (2)

2.3 需求分析 (3)

2.4 系统流程图的设计 (4)

2.5 用例描述 (5)

3 设计过程及编码 (9)

3.1 数据库的创建与使用 (9)

3.2 建立Bank工程方法步骤 (13)

3.3 添加QT设计界面类的设计 (14)

3.4 管理员登陆的设计 (14)

3.5 主操控界面设计 (16)

3.6 开户的设计 (17)

3.7 查询的设计 (19)

3.8 存款的设计 (20)

3.9 取款的设计 (22)

3.10 转账的设计 (25)

3.11 修改密码的设计 (27)

4 功能测试 (29)

4.1 管理员登陆界面 (29)

4.2 主操控界面 (29)

4.3 开户界面 (29)

4.4 查询界面 (30)

4.5 存款界面 (31)

4.6 取款界面 (32)

4.7 转账界面 (33)

4.8 修改密码界面 (34)

4.9 判断与评估 (35)

5 应用与维护 (36)

6 总结 (37)

参考文献 (38)

致谢 ....................................... 错误!未定义书签。附录 . (39)
