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( )1. ——My bike is missing. I can't find it anywhere.

—— I'm afraid you have to buy __________

A. it

B. one

C. any

D. few

( )2.——Do you mind lending me some money?

——__________. Here is one hundred yuan.

A. Never mind.

B. With pleasure.

C. Of course not.

D. Yes, I do.

( )3.——It’s very nice ______you to help me with my English.

——Not at all. I think it is important ____us to help each other.

A. of, of

B. for, of

C. of , for

D. for, for

( )4. The fire lasted half an hour before it was_________by the firemen.

A. taken out

B. blown out

C. put out

D. cut out

( )5. ——Did you play badminton yesterday?

——Yes. But I_________play badminton these days because my right foot hurts.

A. usually

B. always

C. never

D. seldom

( )6.——What do you think of Jim’s schoolwork?

——His schoolwork is better than_________in his class.

A. any classmate’s

B.any other classmate’s

C. the other classmates

D. other classmates’

( )7.——I_______ stay up late .

——Really? I didn’t. But I __________working in the night now.

A. used to , used to

B.was used to , used to

C .used to , am used to D.was used to , am used to

( )8. ______of that country_______ by snow.

A. Second- thirds ; is covered

B. Two- thirds ;is covered

C. Two- thirds; are covered

D. Two- third; covers

( )9.——Must I stay here with you?

——No, you_____. You may go home, but you______go to the net bar.

A. mus tn’t , needn’t

B. needn’t, mustn’t

C. must, need

D. need, must

( )10.——______exciting news it is!

——Yes. ________excited we are at it!

A. How, What

B.What an, What

C.What, How

D.How an , How ( )11.——You haven’t been to the capital , have you?

——___________. I’ll go there next week. It will be the first time for me.

A.Yes, I have.

B.Yes, I haven’t.

C.No, I have.

D.No, I haven’t.

( )12.——Do you know if it ____ tomorrow?

——Sorry, I don’t know. If it____, we will go fishing.

A.will rain, won’t rain

B.will rain; doesn’t rain

C. rains; won’t rain

D.rains; doesn’t rain

( )13. ——Excuse me, could you tell me_________?

——Sorry, I don't know. I'm new here, too.

A. when the museum opens

B. where is the Olympic Village

C. how long the old lady had lived here

D. how do you celebrate Easter Day

( )14. There is a piece of paper on the ground. Please _________.

A.pick up it

B.pick it up

C. pick them up

D.pick up them

( )15. ——Liu Mei, what’s the American English for “autumn”?—— ______.



C. fall


( )16. ——Hi,Amy! I have passed ______ exam!

—— Congratulations! I hope my sister has passed ___ __.

A.my; her

B.mine; hers

C. mine; her

D.my; hers

( )17. ——Your parents hardly go for a walk after supper, ________?

—— No, they often do.

A.do they

B.don’t they

C. do your parents

D.don’t your parents

( )18. —— Where is Wu Gang, Tom?

——He _____ the teac hers’ office.

A.has been to

B.has gone to

C. have gone to

D.have been to

( )19. Dad, the phone is ringing. I guess either you or Mum on the phone.

A. is wanted

B. are wanted

C. wants

D. want

( )20. ——Could you tell me __________?

—— Sure.

A. when we started off

B. when did we start off

C. when we will start off

D. when will we start off

二、完形填空(共15 小题,每小题1分,计15 分)

Rudi Matt lived in a small village in the Swiss Alps in 1865. What he wanted most in the world was to climb the 1 peak(山峰)in the Alps. Rudi's mother and his uncle, Franz, a mountain guide, wanted him to stop 2 and start working in a hotel. Rudi would not 3 his dream and secretly got in touch with an English mountain climber 4 was planning to climb the highest peak.

Franz was very 5 when he found out what Rudi had done, but he finally agreed to let Rudi go if he went climbing, 6 . Franz also didn't want to see Emil Saxo, a guide from another village, got to the top 7 him.

Rudi turned out to be a very good climber, 8 as they got close to the top, the Englishman got sick and could go no farther. Franz 9 behind to take care of him, but Saxo continued, wishing to be the 10 to the top. Rudi went after Saxo, hoping to 11 him to the top. When they met, Saxo fought with Rudi and fell down by accident. Saxo was helpless and hurt. Rudi must 12 whether to carry Saxo back down to safety or to continue alone to the top.

He decided Saxo's life was more 13 than his dream and helped him down. During that time, the Englishman and Franz 14 the climb, and finally they reached the top. Later, when they returned to the village, they told people that 15 was the real conqueror(征服者) of the mountain.

()1.A. highest B. farthest C. biggest D. deepest

()2.A. learning B. playing C. climbing D. talking

()3.A. try out B. give up C. go over D. work out

()4.A. what B. which C. whom D. who

()5.A. tired B. glad C. quiet D. angry
