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九年级 Unit9 测试题和答案

. 单项选择 ( 30 分 ) ( )1 He told me that the final examination ___ next Thursday. A. is given B. will be given C. would be given

( )2. Water _____ into ice. A. will changed B. must be changed C. can be changed ( )3. An accident ______ on this road last week.

A. has been happened

B. happened

C. was happened ( )4.Cotton (棉花) ______ in the southeast of China. A. is grown B. are grown C. grows (

)5.So far, the moon ____ by man already.

A. is visited

B. will be visited

C. has been visited

( )6. When I passed by the park, I noticed the children _________ basketball there.

A. play

B. to play

C. playing ( )7. -Sorry, Mary. I took your no tebook _________ . --It does n 'matter.

A. by mistake

B. by accident

C. by hand ( )8. I didn 'twake up ________ I heard the alarm clock. A. after B. since C. until ( )9. Mum added some _______ but the chips are not ___________ .

A. salt, enough salty

B. salty, salt enough

C. salt, salty enough ( )10. -- ______ , you can work out the math problem very easily.

-- I see. Thank you very much, Miss Wang. A. By the way B. On the way C. In this way ( )11. - Leo, what do you think is the most helpful ____ in modern times?

-- I think it is the computer. A. invent B. invention C. inventor ( )12. -They decided that all the wood would ____ building .--Of course.The building needs it. A. be used for B. be used by

( )13. This kind of machine ___ cutting paper. A. used for (

)14. -- ___ our plan, there will be a meeting next Monday.

-- Oh, thanks.I will be there on time.

( )16. The milk _________ strange, It has gone bad, I think.

A. is tasted

B. taste

C. tastes

( )17. I don 'tlike chocolate, but Sue ______ . A. does B. liked C. doesn 't.

( )18.I will be away for _________ . A. sometimes B. some time C. some times ( )19. He tried his best to do everything to make his young sister ______ a gain.

A. laughing

B. to laugh

C. laugh ( )20. What ________ will happen? A. do you think B. are you thinking C. you think ( )21.She tried many times to pass the exam, and she succeeded _____ the end.

A. by

B. at

C. in


)22.James didn 'tcome _______ the bell rang. A. until B. when C. before

( )23.Only a few hundred of these animals _________ today. A. stay B. remain C. keep

( )24 ____ he isn 'ttall enough, he is good at basketball. A. Because B. Although C. Since ( )25.Take these plates away to the kitchen and _________ some clean ones.

A. take

B. bring

C. fetch

C. be used as

B. be using for

C. is used for

A. With the help of (

)15. - The sun ______ A. can be seen

B. Because of at night. Do you agree with me?

B. can t 'see

C. According to

- Yes, I think so.

C. can 'tbe seen
