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1.--- Dad, I have decided not to go to university.

--- ______ What about your future career as a lawyer?

A.It’s up to you.B.Good luck with college!

C.You can’t be serious!D.Are you jumping in with both feet? 2.The chairman remained silent ______ the whole debate.

A.from B.while C.with D.throughout 3.The twins, who ______ their homework, were allowed to play badminton outside. A.will finish B.finish C.have finished D.had finished 4.It is agreed that ______ widely is one of the most effective ways to enlarge our vocabulary. A.reading B.read C.reads D.having read 5.In my school, English is compulsory (必修) for all students, but French and Spanish are ___. A.special B.optional C.typical D.individual 6.Joining the company as a clerk (职员), he got rapid promotion (晋升), and ______ working as a manager.

A.ended up B.came across C.settled for D.focused on 7.I am determined to have a try ______ it means risking losing everything.

A.now that B.as though C.as long as D.even though 8.It was difficult to get a word in. Everyone ______ so excitedly about the new film. A.had talked B.talked C.was talking D.would talk 9.--- What’s wrong? You look pale.

--- Nothing serious. I’m just feeling ______ tired after the long walk.

A.lots of B.a bit of C.plenty of D.kind of

10.I still remember the moment ______ I first saw him after his operation.

A.that B.when C.where D.as


I don’t know why the train was unusually full today. I sat down in the only seat

11 beside a middle-aged man who had his head down and seemed to be lost in 12 .

I was glad that he didn’t notice me as he just 13 to look down towards the floor.

Shortly after the train left I found myself 14 what this man was thinking about. What could be so 15 that he didn’t even see me sit next to him? I tried to forget about it and started to read my paper. 16 , some inner voice kept encouraging me to talk to this man. I tried to 17 but I failed.

Finally I 18 an excuse to ask him a question. When he 19 his head and turned his eyes towards me I could see that he must have been really 20 . I can’t describe the sadness which was so 21 . We talked for about 20 minutes and in the end he seemed to be doing 22 . As we were leaving the train he thanked me again and again.

Several weeks later, when I watched TV at home, I received a strange 23 , which only had the word Angel written on it. After I read it I was 24 touched (感动). It was a letter from the man I met on the 25 . That day he planned to 26 his life. In his letter, he went on to 27 that he had said to God that if God really 28 him he would send someone to prevent him killing himself. In his eyes I was that Angel sent by God.

I don’t know what that voice was that made me take a 29 and talk to a stranger but I do know that it made a 30 in someone’s life that day. So the next time you hear your inner voice, just listen to it.

11.A.offered B.left C.laid D.missed 12.A.daydreams B.sight C.thought D.scenery 13.A.continued B.planned C.wanted D.liked 14.A.worrying B.guessing C.considering D.wondering 15.A.valuable B.important C.necessary D.strange 16.A.Therefore B.However C.Instead D.So 17.A.ignore B.remember C.realize D.accept 18.A.call for B.ask for C.came up with D.make up for 19.A.nodded B.shook C.dropped D.raised 20.A.kind B.worried C.sad D.excited 21.A.heavy B.special C.popular D.familiar 22.A.worse B.better C.harder D.less 23.A.email B.message C.letter D.newspaper 24.A.easily B.already C.often D.deeply 25.A.train B.street C.Internet D.TV 26.A.begin B.save C.change D.end
