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These days, "what do you want to do when you grow up?" is the wrong question to ask children in the USA. The_______(51) should be: "what job are you doing now?" American companies are employing more and more young people as consultants to evaluate products for child_______(52). The 12-to-19_______(53) group spends more than $100 billion a year in the USA. Specialist agencies have been created to help manufaqturers ask kids about all the latest trends in clothes, food and_______(54) markets. One_______(55), Teenage Research Unlimited, has panels (评判小组) of teenagers who give their verdict (裁决) on products_______(56) jeans (牛仔裤). Another company, Doyle Research Associated, holds two-hour sessions in a room _______(57) the "imaginarium (想象室)." Children are encouraged to play games to get_______(58) a creative mood. They have to write down any ideas that_______(59) into their heads.

Some manufacturers prefer to do their own_______(60) research. The software company Microsoft runs a weekly "Kid's Council" at its headquarters in Seattle,_______(61) a panel of school children give their verdict on the

_______(62) products and suggest new ones. One 11-year-old, Andrew Cooledge, told them that they should make more computer games which would appeal

equally_______(63) boys and girls. Payments for the work are increasingly attractive. Andrew Cooledge was paid $250 and given some software _______(64), even if their ideas are valuable, the children will never make a fortune. They cannot have the copyright to their ideas. These are not jobs they can hold for long they are too old. _______(65) their mid-teens they can be told that they are too old.

51 A sentence B word C answer D question

52 A employees B labourors C consumers D employers

53 A age B year C time D generation

54 A the B another C other D others

55 A school B firm C store D college

56 A as B like C of D with

57 A called B calls C calling D call

58 A into B out of C along with D over

59 A happen B come C occur D fall

60 A science B creation C production D market

61 A there B here C where D which

62 A last B late C later D latest

63 A to B for C with D on

64 A Therefore B However C Besides D Otherwise

65 A Above B On C By D Over


51 D 52 C 53 A 54 C 55 B

56 B 57 A 58 A 59 B 60 D

61 C 62 D 63 A 64 B 65 C

Americans travel by air in ( 1) the same way as Europeans and ( 2) travel by train. There are, in fact, not many railroad stations ( 3) in the USA, ( 4) the track (足迹,轨道,跟踪) is still being used, since most of America's freight (货运,运输) is still carried ( 5). As for passengers, there is a vast network (网状织物,网状系统) of airlines and airports in easy ( 6) of almost every American town. Airports, now the travel centers of the USA, ( 7) comfortable places ( 8) coffee shops and bars and clean restrooms.

Flying in America is ( 9) expensive than in many other countries, (10) the government subsidized (补助) air fares. Yet the different airlines are not state-owned and compete (竞争,竞赛) with one another for passengers.
