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Listening Part听力部分(30分)

一、 Listen and circle. 圈出你所听到的单词或短语。(10分)

1.go swimming go shopping go fishing

2.play the piano play basket-ball play football

3.grass glass class

4.go to bed go to school go home

5. at 7:15 at 7:50 at 6:15

6. 4:30 p.m. 4:30a.m. 7:30a.m.

7. on Sunday on Saturday On Thursday

8. have dinner eat supper have lunch

9. at 15:13 at 15:30 at 5:30

10. this week this weekend on the weekend

二、Listen and choose.听音,选择正确答案。(10分)





11. Do you_______ play sports on the weekend?

12. I _______play football on Saturdays and help my mom do housework on Sundays.

13. Sometimes I play sports and_______go shopping with my friends.

14.His uncle_______goes hiking with me.

15. I _______read some books in the library. Sometimes I play with baby broother

三、Listen and choose.听问句选答语(10分)

1. A. Mr. lei B. Yes, he is. C. At 7:30

2. A. At home B.No, it isn’t. C. At

3. A. On Sunday B. At 6:30pm C.7:20am

4. A. We have computer and P.E. B. Fish and soup C. Climb mountains

5. A. She usually go fishing . B. Sometimes She goes fishing . C. She often go shopping.


一、Read and find.找出下面每组中不同类的单词,把序号填到括号中。(10分)

()1.A. where B.when C.wash

()2.A. parents B.play C. climb

()3.A.often ually C.sometimes

()4.A.eat B. we C.she

()5.A.go B.visit C.evening

二、Find the friends.把下面的词语左右连接成词组,把序号填到括号中。(10分)

( )1. visit A. dinner

( )2. have B. football

( )3. eat C. mountains

( )4. play D. morning exercises

( )5. do E. hiking

( )6. go F. English class

( )7. climb G. TV

( )8. read H. grandparents

( )9. watch I. some books

( )10. get J. up

三、Choose the best answer选择正确的答案,把序号填到括号里。(20分)

()1.What do you do the weekend? I often go hiking. A. in B.on C.of

()2.I go to school 7:00 in the morning. A. at / in B. on / in C. in / in

()3.When you do morning exercises? A. does B.do C.are

()4. do you play sports? I play sports at 5:00. A. When B.Who C.What

()5.When do you eat ? At 12:00. A. breakfast B.lunch C.dinner ()6.Can I ask you questions? A. many B. any C. some

()7.Thank you telling me about your day. A. at B. in C. for

()8._____schoolbag is that?It’s Amy’s. A. Whose B. Who C. Where

()9. ____is the music room?It’s on the second floor. A. Whose B. Who C. Where

()10. ___would you like for lunch? I’d like some eggplant. A. What B. When C. Where

四、Fill in the blanks.选择填空。(10分)

Amy:When do you get up?

Mike:At 7:00. ___________Amy:I usually get up at 7:30. _______________________?

Mike: __________________

Amy:When do you have English class?

Mike: __________________

Amy:Do you like English classes?

Mike: __________________

A. I go to school at7:40.

B. And you?

C. Yes, I like it.

D. I have English class at9:20.

E. When do you go to school?


Mr Smith is from Amerrica. He and his wife(妻子)often go to work at 8:00a.m.They have a daughter(女儿).They are Mike and Julia.

Julia is a student. She likes swimming very much. She sometimes goes swimming on Tuesday afternoon. Mike always goes swimming onTuesday afternoon. Mike always gets up eary in the morning and does morning exercises. Sometimes Julia and Mike visit their grandparents on the weekend.

The Smiths are in China now. They are very happy.


( )1.The Smiths are in England now.

( )2. Mr Smith and his wife are Germans.

( ) 3.Julia and Mike are their daughter and son.

( )4.Julia always goes swimmingon on Tuesday afternoon.

( )5.Mike does not do morning exercises in the morning.

六.Writing 写作以I为题写一篇短文,谈论一下自己的年龄爱好一天内的活动,要求1.不少于6句话,

2. 意思连贯,语句通顺。

