中高级口译必背词汇(新东方版) 第五章 外交和军事

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Chapter 5 外交和军事




acknowledge v. 承认

a gathering permeated with a spirit of cordial friendship 充满亲切友情的聚会

a rewarding trip 不虚此行

accommodate vt. 供给…住宿,招待;vi. 适应,配合

add a new page to the history of 给…的历史增加了新的一页

agenda n.议程

alumnus (alumni); alumna (alumnae)n. 校友


banquet n. 宴会

BBQ party n. 烧烤会

Bon Appetite! int. 祝你胃口好!

Bon Voyage! int. 旅途愉快!

buffet n. 自助餐

buffet reception n. 冷餐招待会


cheek-to-cheek embrace 贴脸拥抱

cheers int. 干杯

closing speech n. 闭幕致辞

cocktail party n. 鸡尾酒会

colleague(s)n. 同仁

commerce ties n. 商业关系

coexistence n. 共存,共处

congenial atmosphere n. 融洽气氛

costume party; masquerade n. 化装舞会courtesy call n. 礼节性拜会


dinner / dinner party n. 晚宴

distinguished guest n. 贵宾;佳宾

draw to a close 即将结束


eloquent remark n. 雄辩的(动人的)演讲entertain v. 招待

extraordinary arrangement n. 特殊安排;精心安排eye salute n. 注目礼


farewell ceremony n. 欢送仪式

feel honored and privileged 感到荣幸

feel pleased and honored 感到愉快和荣幸

feel proud and honored 感到骄傲和荣幸fellow citizens n. 同胞们

foreign affairs office n. 外事办

fulfill one’s ambitions展鸿图;酬壮志


generous hospitality 盛情款待

genuine friendship 真挚友谊

give a dinner for a visitor from afar 接风洗尘goodwill visit n. 友好访问

gracious invitation n. 盛情邀请

gracious remark n. 热情的演讲,评论

Guest of Honor n. 主宾

gun salute n. /v. 礼炮


heartfelt gratefulness n. 由衷的感谢

hearty embrace n. 热烈拥抱

hearty gratitude n. 衷心的感谢

heritage n. 传统

hospitality n. 好客

host a farewell dinner for someone 为…饯行host country n. 主办国;东道主国家

host n. 主人


I’ve long heard of you久仰

impromptu speech n. 即席讲话

in the company of …/ accompanied by…在…的陪同下inauguration n. 开幕式;就职典礼

incomparable hospitality n. 无比盛情的款待

itinerary n. 活动日程,路线

K, L

kind words of welcome n. 友好的欢迎词

lasting friendship n. 长久的友谊

long-awaited guest n. 盼望已久的客人

look back at the past 回顾过去

look into the future 展望未来

luncheon n. 午餐会

M, N, O

motorcade n. 车队

nodding acquaintance n. 泛泛之交

occasion n. 场合;时刻

opening address n.开幕致辞

opening ceremony n. 开幕式


pay a return visit v. 回拜

picnic party n. 野餐会

propose a toast v. 祝酒


receive; play host to v. 接待

receptionist n. 接待员

reception n. 招待会

regard n.尊重;敬意

regards n. 问候

renew old friendships (and establish new contacts)重温旧情(结交新友)


seating arrangement n. 席位安排

signing ceremony n. 签约式

sincere gratitude n. 真挚的感谢

speech of welcome / address of welcome n. 欢迎词

state banquet n. 国宴

sworn friend n. 刎颈之交


take this opportunity 趁此机会

toaster n. 祝酒者

toast n. 祝酒词
