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Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.

Back to School Reform

For schools in the New York City, this school year was met by a particular reform issue. It began in June of 2018, when, as part of an effort to fight the enduring problem of segregation(种族隔离), Mayor Bill de Blasio announced his intention 1.the testing requirement should be discontinued for admission to the city’s eight selective “élite” high schools. Then, late last month, the Advisory Group released a report 2.(suggest) that the city rethink its entire approach 3.identifying and educating high-achieving children. More accurately, it recommended replacing the gifted-and-talented programs with new initiatives 4.challenge premature children without relying on a test or academic tracking. However, Asian-American parents fearing that the proposed change 5.(disadvantage) their children filed a lawsuit to block it.

Testing holds great attraction 6.it is neutral, in different to a student’s background and wealth. But this is not 7.the current system functions. Success is closely related to socioeconomic advantages and access to test preparation. For example, Asian-American students tend 8.(rate) lower on the most subjective parts of college admissions evaluations.

It’s not clear what the result of the current debate will be. One thing, however, is certain: the competition for places at New York’ chools 9.(drive), in part, by a lack of faith in the quality of education in other parts of the system. Also, it is seen as a conflict between different social groups fighting for a system in which their children are 10.(likely) to be restricted by discrimination.


Directions: Fill in each blanks with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can be used only once. Note that there is one word more than you need.

The Danger of Sharenting

For the vast majority of people, checking social media involves a mix of expectation and curiosity. The app feeds on a collective 11.that we are missing out on something, whether it’s a fabulous party, a pop-up sale, or the mere concept of vacation. But the same dynamic doesn’t quite 12.to parents sharing pictures of their young children online. There certainly may be an el ement of proud boasting: “Admire my little son’s taste in jazz,” etc. But these carefully chosen photos often do little more than help parents escape from a harsh day 13.. The isolation of parenthood delivers one to strange places, and you need your tribe. Sharing images on social media makes the experience 14., connecting one to a larger world.

In his new book Why We Should Think Before We Talk About Our Kids Online, Leah Plunkett, a Harvard psychology professor, argues that “sharenting” happens when an ad ult transmits private details about a child via digital channels. It 15.a child’s entry into “digital life.” Studies estimate that by 2030 nearly two-thirds of identity-fraud cases affecting today’s children will have been caused by sharenting.

For Plunkett, there are a couple of reasons to be concerned about sharenting. On a philosophical level, sharenting exposes children to the larger digital world without their permission, 16.them of a kind of privacy. This feeds into Plunkett’s second, much broader concern. The 17.problem with sharenting is the same with many adult-world privacy issues: the bargain we have made in exchange for these services is that we surrender our data and choose not to imagine the worst-case scenarios. Could things that parents post about children produce real-world 18., in terms of bullying, professional reputation, or future prospects? Today, long before children take their first step, their digital data already travels to “thousands, likely tens of thousands, of human and machine users.” How long will it be until someone 19.the power to predict who a child will become as an adult based on these data points?

Plunkett’s concerns made parents reconsider their choices. In the end, Plunkett’s advice is to “make more mindful choices” about digital lives though parenthood is often so 20.vague that mindfulness seems impossible.


The Last Robot-Proof Job in America?
