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工程机械Construction Machinery

工程机械construction machinery and equipment

中国工程机械工业协会China Construction Machinery Association 机械工程材料material for mechanical engineering

机械设备的安装工程Installation of machinery and equipment

挖掘机械excavating machinery或Mining Machinery


液压挖掘机hydraulic excavator


国产液压挖掘机domestic hydraulic excavator

机械挖掘机cable operated excavator

正铲挖掘机forward excavator

反铲挖掘机backhoe excavator

抓铲挖掘机clams hell excavator

拉铲挖掘机dragline excavator

伸缩铲挖掘机telescopicboom excavator

单斗挖掘机single bucket excavator

轮胎式单斗挖掘机wheel type single bucket excavator

履带式单斗挖掘机crawler single bucket excavator

多斗挖掘机multi-bucket excavator

斗轮式挖掘机bucket wheel excavator


链斗式挖沟机chain buck ettrencher

斗轮式挖沟机bucket wheel trencher

沥青混凝土搅拌设备 Asphalt mixing plants

可拆式沥青混凝土搅拌设备 dismantle Asphalt mixing plants

移动式沥青混凝土搅拌设备 movable Asphalt mixing plants

滚筒连续式沥青混凝土搅拌设备 drum continuous Asphalt mixing plants 滚筒间隙式沥青混凝土搅拌设备 drum batch Asphalt mixing plants

强制间隙式沥青混凝土搅拌设备 forced batch Asphalt mixing plants

强制连续式沥青混凝土搅拌设备 continuous batch Asphalt mixing plants 冷集料供给系统 cold aggregate feeder system

往复式给料装置 reciprocating type feeder

电磁振动式给料装置 electromagnetism vibrancy feeder

圆盘式给料装置 table feeder

板式给料装置 slat conveyer

皮带给料装置 belt conveyer

冷集料输送机 cold aggregate conveyer
