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List of Common English prefixes


Prefix Meaning Example

a- verb > predicative adjective with progressive aspect afloat, atremble

anti- against anti-war, antivirus, anti-human arch- supreme, highest, worst arch-rival, archangel

be- equipped with, covered with, beset with (pejorative

or facetious)

bedeviled, becalm, bedazzle,


co- joint, with, accompanying co-worker, coordinator, cooperation

counter- against, in opposition to counteract, counterpart

de- reverse action, get rid of de-emphasise

dis- not, opposite of disloyal, disagree

dis- reverse action, get rid of disconnect, disinformation

en-/em- to make into, to put into, to get into enmesh, empower

ex- former ex-husband, ex-boss, ex-colleague

fore- before, in front forearm, foregut, forehand, forerunner

hind- after hindgut

mal- bad(ly) malnourish

mid- middle midgut, midlife

midi- medium-sized midi-length

mini- small minimarket, mini-room

mis- wrong, astray misinformation, misguide

out- better, faster, longer, beyond outreach, outcome

over- too much overreact, overact

post- after post-election, post-graduation pre- before pre-election, pre-enter

pro- for, on the side of pro-life

re- again, back redo, revisit, rerun

self- self self-sufficient

step- family relation by remarriage stepbrother

trans- across, from one place to another transatlantic

twi- two twibill, twilight

un- not, opposite of unnecessary, unequal

un- reverse action, deprive of, release from undo, untie

under- below, beneath, lower in grade/dignity, lesser, underachieve, underground,


insufficient underpass

up- greater, higher, or better upgrade, uplift

with- against withstand


Prefix Meaning Examples

Afro- relating to Africa Afro-American

ambi- both ambidextrous, ambitendency

amphi- two, both, on both sides amphiaster, amphitheater, amphibian an-/a- not, without anemic, asymmetric

ana-/an- up, against anacardiaceous, anode

Anglo- relating to England Anglo-Norman

ante- before antenatal

anti- opposite, against antivenom

apo- away, different from apomorphine

astro- star astrobiology

auto- self autobiography, automatic

bi- two bicycle

bio- biological biodegrade

circum- around circumnavigate

cis- on this side of cislunar

con-/com-/col-/cor-/co- together or with confederation, commingle, colleague, correlation, cohabit

contra- opposite contradict, contraindication cryo- ice cryogenics

crypto- hidden, secret cryptography

de- down depress

demi- half demigod

demo- people democracy, demography deutero-, deuter- second deuteragonist, deuterogamy di- two dicotyledon, digamy, dioxide dia- through dialysis, diameter

dis-/di-/dif- apart differ, dissect, divide

du-/duo- two duet

eco- ecological ecosystem

electro- electric, electricity electro-analysis

en-, el-, em- in ellipsis, emphasis, energetic epi- upon, at, close upon, in epicenter, epidermis
