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1. If all poi nts in a lin kage move in parallel pla nes the system un dergoes pla n ar motion and the linkage may be describ ed as a ________ .

A. pla nar moti on

B. pla nar lin kage

C. joi nts

D. slide

2. Though frame material and desig n should han dle damp ing,

____ are sometimes built into frame sec tions to handle specific problems.

A .beams B. holes C. dam pers D. screw

3. The maximum allowable deflecti

on of a shaft ______ d eterm ined by critic

al speed, gear, or beari ng requireme nts.

A. ofte n

B. must

C. was

D. is u sually

4. We will have to _____ t o better a

nd better soluti ons as we gen erate more i n formati on.

A. repeat many times

B. iterati ng

C. iterate

D. try ways

5. If a product con figurati on is __

___ specified and the n exam ined to dete rmi ne whether the performa nee requirem en ts are met.

A. fin ally

B. ten tatively

C. tempo rary

D. have bee n

6. Manufacturing can be defined as the ____ of raw materials into useful pr oducts through the use of the easiest and lest-expe nsive methods.

A. tran sformatio n

B. process ing

C .process D. tran sformi ng

7. The pla ner and knee types of milli ng mach ine is ____ because of its flexib ility.

A. used most com monly

B. most popular

C. the most com monly used

D. most powerful

8. As a result, the system will vibrat

e at the freque ncy o

f the ____ force re

g ardless of the in itial con diti ons or n atural freque ncy of the system.

A. acti on

B. excitati on

C. out

D. act

9. Before two comp onents are asse mbled together, the relati on ship betwee n the dime nsions of the mati ng surfaces _

A. must be giv ing out

B. should p rin ted clearly

C. must be specified

D. should be clearly no ted

10. The main practical adva ntage of lower pairs is their better ability to trap lu brica nt betwee n their ____ surfaces.

A. en velop ing

B. mati ng

C. outer

D. outside

11. The word______ itself usually r efers to the deterioration of metals and ce ramics, while similar phe nomena in plast ics gen erally called _______ .

A. recrystallizatio n corrosi on

B. recrystallizati on •…degradatio n

C. degradatio n …(。「「。彳。


corrosi on r egradati on

12. Most frames _______ cast iron, weld steel, compositi on, or con crete.

A. are made from

B. are made up of

C. was produced by

D. was con sist of

13. Rotating shafts particularly thos

e that run at high speeds, must be desig ne d to avoid operati on at _____ speeds.

A . low

B .overload C. cri tical D. hollow

14. Although cast iron is a fairly che

ap material, each casti ng requires a ___ o

A. pattern

B. model

C. mold

D. pate nt

15. The term ____ is used to desc ribe joints with surface contact, as with a pin surrounded by a hole.
