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General Introduction-US Declaration of independence:独立宣言

the official document written at the beginning of the American Revolution in which people in North America stated that they did not want to be ruled by Britain

frontier spirit:开拓精神;进取精神;美国西部开发时期的边民精神land of plenty:富裕之国,地形多样,资源丰富,丰饶之地

ethnic diversity:多元种族

A melting pot/A pot of stew/A salad bowl/Hispanic community/the Oriental Americans

cultural pluralism:文化多元化


General Introduction-UK size and components:(组成)

union jack:米字旗,英国国旗

the name for the national flag of the United Kingdom

royal standard:皇家旗;英国王室旗帜

the flag of the British monarch, flown from the place he or she is stayingin at t he time

national anthem(国歌):天佑女王

God Save the Queen

Glorious history:光荣历史


Anglican Religion/Church:英国国教

Church of England/Protestant(新教徒)

Fair play:公平竞争


a game played on grass by two teams of 11 players. Players score points (called runs ) by hitting the ball with a wooden bat and running between two sets of vertical wooden sticks, called stumps .


the type of humour that is based on simple actions,


an examination in school subjects that some high school students

take before they can go to college or university

student government:学生会

Professional degree:职业学位




honor code:荣誉准则princlples must be followed

public school:(英:公学,私立教育/美:公立学校)

in Britain, a private school for young people between the ages of 13 and 18, whose parents pay for their education. The students often live at the school while they are studying.

in the US, a free local school paid for by the government

comprehensive school:普高

a local secondary school for children of all ability levels

grammer school:英国文法中学/重点学校

compulsory education:义务教育

6th form:英国高中(上大学前的)

Leisure and recreation American football:橄榄球

a game played in the United States by two teams of 11 players whocarry, thro w, or kick an oval ball.


an equal score or result in a game, race, or competition

tailgate party:获胜球迷聚会,车尾野餐会

a party held just before a football game in the parking lot, with the food

and drinks served from people’s cars

cheer leader:拉拉队

saloon bar:高级吧,不吵,商人交谈

a separate comfortable room in a pu

b where you can buy and drink

alcoholic drinks

Political system-UK constitutional monarchy:君主立宪

a country ruled by a king or queen whose powers are limited by aconstitution unitary government:单一制政府

Parliament sovereignty:议会主权;议会权力又至高无上representative democracy:代议制民主

direct democracy:直接民主

sovereign: 君主;元首


the parliament of the United Kingdom, consisting of the House of Commons and the House of Lords

Political system-US Electoral College:总统选举团
